The Director General of Higher Education Launches GAD65 Diagnostic Kit

Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti (second from right) when officially launched GAD65 Diagnostic KitThe Director General of Science and Technology Resources of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron, M.Sc., PhD launched GAD65 Diagnostic Kit at Biosains Institute building, Thursday (23/Jun/2016).

In his address, Prof. Ali Ghufron mentioned that down-streaming of UB’s research products as a synergy between Academic-Business-Government-Community (ABGC) is a dream come true. This regard is due research result is not only being published in form of journals but more brings benefits for communities.

“I realized that in order to publish research in form of journal is hard but it is harder on how to make the research results are able to be utilized by the public,” he said. Meanwhile, in the grand launching of GAD65 diagnostic kit, Director of UB’s Biosains Institute, Prof. Fatchiyah, M.Kes., PhD explained that Biosains Institute is one of UB academic units which based on Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) for production and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), by accommodating A-B-G-C (Academy-Business-Government-Community) synergy. As one of entrepreneur units at UB in supporting UB’s mission towards world class entrepreneurial university, Biosains institute has succeeded to develop diagnostic kit product for Diabetes Mellitus early detection based on GAD65, which is a product of research collaboration between Biosains Institute and PT. Biofarma (Persero) since 2012, headed by Prof. dr. Aulanni’am., drh., DESS.

Meanwhile, UB’s Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Bisri, MS., expected the product is able to support the national autonomy in fulfilling the needs of medical devices in communities, thus able to reduce reliance with external parties.

“I hope the product could support the program to reach the independence of medical equipment industry with intermediate technology which based on research for fulfillment of national necessity in 2019 by Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, and also to support the realization of Indonesia Sehat 2045 through the contagious and not-contagious disease control program which also declared by Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia,” said UB’s Rector. [Oky Dian/Humas UB/trans. Denok]