In welcoming the 61st Anniversary, Brawijaya University (UB) paid tribute to the leaders and professors in the form of a health examination or health screening at Brawijaya University Hospital (RSUB). This activity was carried out for ten days (6/11-17/11/2023).
Director of RSUB, Dr.dr. Viera Wardhani, M.Kes said that this health screening was one of a series of Dies Natalis activities through a gift given by UB to teachers and leaders.
“Initially we did this specifically as part of the Anniversary series, wanting to pay tribute to teachers and it turned out that it was not only professors but also deans and vice deans. “In general, all parties must carry out screening and hopefully in the future we can make it better according to needs,” she said.
Dr. Viera added that general check-ups carried out by professors and leaders include general health checks, kidney function checks, chest x-rays, electrocardiography to see heart rhythm.
She added that the general check-up was attended by nearly 200 leaders and professors.
“We regularly schedule 20 participants a day. We schedule it until November 17, we will make one stop service in the VVIP room. “This is easier because at RSUB, we have mobile x-rays, and blood sampling as well as physical examinations and ECGs can be done in one location,” she said. (OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)