FH 65th Anniversary, Presents the Strengthening of Legal Education for Improving Professionalism

The Faculty of Law (FH) held a series of activities in order to welcome the 65th Anniversary of FH UB. The event entitled “Strengthening Legal Education for Social Justice” was carried out with various series of activities, such as scientific oration by the Head of Education and Training Agency of the Supreme Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia, giving the “Mardoyo Award”, competitions between educators and lecturers, to healthy walks with university and faculty leaders.

The whole series of activities is directed at strengthening Indonesian legal education as the basis for social justice which may have been fading. This is in line with the expectations of Mr. Bahrul Ulum Annafi, SH, MH as the chief executive of the 65th Anniversary of FH UB. He said that this year’s series of events was designed a little differently from previous years, especially when facing the COVID-19 pandemic. During the past pandemic, academic activities were very limited in the interactions, so that the transformation of legal education that has a social justice paradigm for students was felt to be less than optimal. This year is the beginning of the momentum to revitalize campus educational activities so that students can be directly involved in realizing integrity, where the principles of upholding justice can be interpreted in real terms, not just thoughts. Considering that so far, FH UB has produced many alumni who play roles in NGOs and institutions as the application of movements for the benefit of society, Munir is one example.

The series of FH anniversary activities also involved the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Indonesian Attorney’s Training Agency and the Faculty of Law, which was attended by the Head of the Indonesian Attorney’s Training and Education Agency Tony T. Spontana, S.H., M.Hum. together with the Dean of the Faculty of Law Universitas Brawijaya, Dr. Muchamad Ali Safa’at, S.H., M.H, and witnessed by UB Rector, Prof Widodo, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.Med.Sc.

The agreement aims to provide opportunities for Indonesian Attorney General’s employees to provide lessons to FH students, not only in theory but also how the practice in the field can be widely applied. Of course, the cooperation of both parties will provide opportunities for students and prosecutors’ employees to contribute to each other through education, such as internship training for UB students and improvement of legal science competence through the academic level of the postgraduate program of master’s education and doctoral program of law at UB Jakarta campus for the attorney general’s office RI.

Another important activity was the presentation of scientific orations related to “The Role and Central Position of the Prosecutor’s Office in the Integrated Criminal Justice System” through two resource persons, Tony T. Spontana, SH, M.Hum, as an alumni who currently serves as Head of the Education and Training Agency of the Attorney General’s Office RI and Dr. Bambang Sugiri, SH, MS, who is a lecturer of FH UB. Both emphasized that prosecutors have a strategic position in the criminal justice system in Indonesia, currently the prosecutor’s role is to carry out justice restoration as a form of strengthening and professionalism of law enforcement, where the prosecutor is also the only official authorized to bring cases to court.

The lively series of dies natalis activities were closed through a healthy walk around the campus with the academicians of FH UB, followed by entertainment and door prizes distribution. On the occasion, the Rector said that FH is now the only faculty whose undergraduate and doctoral programs have international accreditation. Of course, the university hopes to encourage FH to produce alumni with an international reputation, to create globally connected graduates, so that their practice of applying law can be carried out abroad, moreover, the European conflict that is happening now can become a discourse for UB students to contribute to international justice enforcement, understand the culture and law enforcement in other countries. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]

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