DIA-WELLFUL, Accelerating Healing Tool for Foot Wounds of Diabetes Sufferers

Photo of DIA-WELLFUL Team

The combination of nursing FIKES and FT students created an innovation that can help accelerate the healing of wounds on the feet of people with diabetes or diabetic ulcers. DIA-WELLFULL is a tool designed to help accelerate the healing of diabetic ulcer wounds that have experienced proliferation. The working system of this tool is by combining an electric field combined with type C ultraviolet light.

This innovation is conveyed as a design. This tool is then applied to diabetes mellitus patients who experience diabetic ulcers on the extremities or feet. Diabetic ulcers are wounds caused by damage to the nerves and blood vessels due to poor glycemic control. Standard management for patients with diabetic ulcers is long-term use of antibiotics, wound care with moist wound dressings, and controlling blood sugar levels. However, the number of amputations due to diabetic ulcers is still relatively high in Indonesia, with a prevalence reaching 30%, and a mortality rate of 32%. The high amputation rate indicates that treatment with standard management is less effective in treating diabetic ulcers. Therefore, new, cutting-edge innovations are needed in the form of complementary therapies that can speed up the healing of diabetic ulcers.

Photo of DIA-WELLFUL Tool Design

This condition ultimately moved this team to develop a technological innovation to help accelerate wound healing while reducing the risk of amputation due to diabetic ulcers. With the development of this tool, it is hoped that it will be able to help speed up the healing of diabetic ulcers, reduce medical costs, relieve pain, reduce odor caused by exudate production, and reduce the risk of tissue decay which requires amputation.

This PKM KC is entitled “DIA-WELLFUL as an Innovation to Accelerate Healing of Diabetic Ulcer Wounds” which is abbreviated as “DIA WELLFUL”. The team consists of Nur Rizky Alfiansyah (FIKES 2022) as chairman, along with three team members, namely Dhea Meyliana Victoria Putri (FIKES, 2022), Yogi Tri Widodo (FT, 2022) and Ilyasa Marchel Udjung (FT, 2022) under the guidance of Ns . Endah Panca Lydia Fatma, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.M.B lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya.

PKM is a prestigious annual research competition organized by the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa) of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek). In this event, thousands of students from all over Indonesia participated by submitting research proposals in their chosen fields. Participants who pass receive funding to then compete at the PIMNAS event. This year, Universitas Brawijaya succeeded in submitting 55 proposals that passed funding and became part of the top 10 Higher Education Institutions (PT). (*/OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir).