Dharma Wanita Persatuan University of Brawijaya (DWP UB) organized one of its working programs with a socialization on Saya Perempuan Anti Korupsi (SPAK/I am an anti-Corruption Woman) at Faculty of Agriculture of University of Brawijaya (FP UB) which took place at second floor courtroom, Friday (22/Jul/2016). The routine event of DWP FP-UB board meeting also attended by the Greater Malang SPAK team with Prof. Dr. Sjamsiar Sjamsudin as an adviser. Sjamsiar mentioned that the program is based on commitment, agreement, awareness and concern in the dangers of corruption among women either grandmothers, mothers, wives, girls and daughters.
On the occasion, the SPAK team held a game so-called Mojo and Putaran-putaran Lingkaran Korupsi (Put Put LK) which performed by Dharma Wanita management boards. Through the event, was expected to be able to inculcate anti-corruption values, as well as becomes a filter for couples in preventing corruption.
Head of DWP-UB, Titik Winarni Bisri delivered that SPAK simulation game needs to be socialized into Dharma Wanita members at University of Brawijaya surroundings as a provision to avoid corruption. A simulation game from SPAK is very interesting and so 23 participants who attended seemed enthusiastically to join in. [RTS/waw/Humas UB]