Covid-19 Detection Using X-Ray Image, FILKOM Students Win Runner-up at LKTI IPB

Students of Technical Information (TIF) study program, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya (FILKOM UB) won 2nd place in writing competition of the Journal of Computer Science and Agri-Informatics (JIKA) which was held at the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), in last October- November 2021. The team consisting of Fadhil Yusuf Rahadika, Karina Amadea, Adhi Setiawan, Griselda Anjeli Sirait with supervisor Dr. eng. Novanto Yudistira, S.Kom., M.Sc. carrying the work entitled “Covid-19 Detection on Chest X-Ray Image Using Pre-Training Deep Autoencoder”.

The 2021 Agri-Informatics Writing Competition is participated by all academics, researchers, and practitioners who want to include their journals as long as they are related to the field of Computer Science and Information Technology. There are several scopes of journals that can be submitted for publication in the Journal of Agri-Informatics Computer Science (JIKA), one of which is about Computational Intelligence and Optimization as followed by a team from FILKOM UB.

“Starting from the assignment for the Advanced Machine Learning course that we took with Mr. Novanto Yudistira as the lecturer. At that time, we were directed to conduct research related to the application of machine learning to existing problems. So we decided to use the chest X-Ray dataset of patients with Covid-19 and Pneumonia which was then detected using our system. We try to publish the results of the research by following the directions from our supervisor to be included in this competition,” said Karina, one of the team members.

Karina also said that the work, which was in the form of a research journal, was written based on the problems that arose due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the long duration and the high cost of testing and detecting COVID-19, and the idea came up using machine learning methods to make it easier to detect COVID-19.

Furthermore, Karina gives a few tips for FILKOM UB students who want to take part in a similar competition. To be able to succeed in the competition is to maximize problem-solving in choosing ideas and topics. The ideas and topics chosen must also be interesting so that people are also interested in reading it. In addition, the chosen idea must also be unique, one of which is in terms of solving problems that occur a lot. In this case, FILKOM UB team tries to solve the main problem related to the length of time it takes a person to detect COVID-19. So that the system created can accelerate early detection and can prevent/stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The proposed method is also expected to be unique in terms of innovation to support the chosen idea to make it more interesting.[drn/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]

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