Naufal Aulia Yoananda, a Graphic Design student from the Vocational Faculty, Universitas Brawijaya (FV UB) is one of 25 UB delegates who participated in the Kriyasena of Indonesian Graphic Design Students (KMDGI) XV. This grand event was held at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Design, Visual Communication Design (DKV) Study Program, Indonesian Institute of Arts (ISI) Yogyakarta, (8-10/10/2024).
This event, which takes place every two years, is a forum for Graphic Design and DKV students throughout Indonesia to gather, exchange ideas, and discuss and appreciate creative works.
“KMDGI XV is the right space to grow, a space for discussion, a space for awareness, and a space for readiness. Let’s make this momentum to voice innovation, collaborate, and take part in sustainability in this era of frequent change,” said Naufal.
The event, which was attended by 75 delegates from various universities in Indonesia, presented an exhibition in three types of works, namely: Thematic Works or works in the form of installations, illustrations, animations, photography, typography, and performing art. Second, Symbiotic Works that contribute directly to society, and finally Symbolic Works as a forum for delegates to introduce their uniqueness using “Currency Design”.
On this occasion, Naufal presented symbiotic works that were displayed in a videography.
“The theme of KMDGI this time is ‘Ready’, so we are required to be ready to respond to the dynamics of the modern era and understand the reflection of rapid and profound changes, as well as being adaptive, creative, and solution-oriented, so that we are able to defeat disruption that has changed many known norms,” added Naufal.
The event consists of ceremonies, workshops, seminars, art performances by delegates, video screenings, discussion forums, mini gigs, art exhibitions, and awards.
KMDGI was first held in 1993 at Trisakti University, and has developed into an important forum in the world of Indonesian graphic design. Through the presence of students from all over Indonesia, creative industry players, and design practitioners, it is hoped that KMDGI XV will become a golden event in strengthening the existence of graphic design in the midst of the era of disruption with creativity, innovation, and solutions. [Hilya/Irene/UB PR/ Trans. Iir]