Following up the implementation of Permendikbud No.3 of 2020 concerning National Higher Education Standards, especially in terms of providing opportunities for students to study in Similar Study Programs at other universities, the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology Universitas Brawijaya (FTP UB), Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, MP. signed an agreement with 34 Deans of other universities who are members of Indonesian Agricultural Technology Communication Forum of Higher Education (FKPT-TPI), witnessed by the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR, MS, online Thursday (14/01/2021).
In his speech, Universitas Brawijaya Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR, MS, expressed his happiness and welcomed this activity.
“We appreciate this activity. Even Universitas Brawijaya is ready to collaborate in any field in any study program or faculty. We really hope that agricultural technology can be more developed. Hopefully the signing of this MoA can be the first step for research and / or other activities, “he said.
Meanwhile, the Dean of FTP, Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, MP stated that this activity was an initiation of FKPT – TPI in supporting Student Exchange activities in the same Study Program outside the Higher Education in the framework of the Independent Learning Independent Campus Program (MBKM).
“This MoA is a clear proof of our support for MBKM. We agree to create cooperation in the context of developing learning programs in study programs at each Faculty, by organizing learning programs according to the National Higher Education Standards (SNPT) within 1 (one) semester with a study load equivalent to 20 credits for PARA PARTIES students whose technicality will be further regulated in technical guidelines that will be agreed between the faculties of each university, especially in relation to the learning process, semester credit recognition, assessment, and financing schemes.
In the future, not only student exchanges but also a webinar series on the three pillars (agricultural industrial technology, agricultural technology and agricultural engineering and biosystems) contribute to the development of agricultural technology; smart agriculture; supply chain; precision agriculture or how is the development of food technology and the food industry, “explained Prof. Imam.
Dr. Ir. Feri Arlius, M.Sc., Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Andalas University who also participated in the signing, stated the need to follow up as soon as possible as the implementation of the MoA. “We need to immediately follow up, such as sending courses offered by each university so that it can be enrolled by other universities with the applicable terms and conditions. In addition, communication media and information on the FKPT-TPI independent learning program are also needed, such as websites or other media. Because this is a good step, so there should be a follow-up immediately, “he explained. (dse / Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)