Assisting Teachers in Kediri and Malang: FCS UB Seminar on Personal Branding

Seminar on Personal Branding
Seminar on Personal Branding

There are two types of lecturer activities outside campus. Some are designed from the campus as a form of research and service activities, but some are from community invitations based on lecturers’ expertise. The latter was experienced by lecturer of the Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS), Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Dr. Hipolitus Kristoforus Kewuel, M.Hum., who has been pursuing the field of Educational Anthropology as one of his areas of expertise.

Twice in a row, the Head of the Department of Art and Cultural Anthropology FCS UB was invited to speak on the theme of Personal Branding at SMPK Mardi Wiyata Kediri and SMPK Mardi Wiyata (SMPK Frateran Celaket 21) Malang. The event at SMPK Mardi Wiyata Kediri was held on Friday (12/1/2023), whilst SMPK Mardi Wiyata Malang on Friday (12/8/2023).

In Kediri, the seminar was attended by all teachers and staff. In Malang, the participants were teachers and employees of the SMPK and SDK Mardi Wiyata 1 along with principals and teacher representatives from several other schools under the Mardi Wiyata Foundation.

“The motivation for holding this event was due to the school’s need to improve the performance of teachers and staff in facing competition in today’s world of education. We need enlightenment to improve the quality of our school,” said the Head of SMPK Frateran Celaket 21, Fr. M. Vincent, BHK.

In his presentation, Dr. Hipo explained that everyone has two sides to personal branding. One side of personal branding is automatically inherent in the self, but the other side needs to be pursued by self-processing.

“The side of personal branding that is automatically attached is related to what we have physically. Meanwhile, the side of personal branding that needs to be worked on is related to efforts to process the potential of the self that is not visible,” he explained.

Thus, according to Dr. Hipo, the things that need to be seriously processed in personal branding are capacities, intellectual capacity, personality, talents, and passion that exist in each person.

“With the processing of these self-capacities, each person is maximized to develop as a person, but also to contribute more to the institution that nurture them,” said Dr. Hipo.

Furthermore, the lecturer, who is also engaged in empowerment, said that after processing self-capacity, everyone needs to be tested in their work to see whether they have maximized their work.

“There are many strategies and measurement tools that can be used to see the development of one’s capacity both individually and in organizational work. One of the commonly used ways is to make a work plan and continuously monitor clear and measurable achievement targets,” he concluded.

At the end of the event, the Head of SMPK Mardi Wiyata Kediri, Fr. M. Agustinus, BHK, revealed that the material provided is not just giving theory as a working principle but also offering steps to build personal branding that must contribute to institutional branding.

“In my opinion, the material on personal branding was presented very well because it did not just present theory, but especially because it showed how personal branding should be built to contribute to institutional branding,” concluded Fr. Agus. [dts]