BUMDes is a business entity managed by the village government, and is a legal entity. This business entity was built according to the needs of the community and the potential of the local village.
As well as business entities, BUMDes also comes with its own problems. Helping to overcome the difficulties faced by BUMDes, the Doctoral Service team from the Center of Community Empowerment Development Services, LPPM UB, in collaboration with the Community and Village Empowerment Service of Tulungagung Regency held a FGD activity, on Thursday (14/10/2021).
The FGD entitled ‘Revitalization and Institutional Strengthening of Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDesa) in Tulungagung Regency in 2021’ presented several presenters, such as Akie Ruaktiva, R. M.Sa., CA as an asset appraiser assistant and Ahmad Fauzi as a technical guidance assistant.
According to Akie, BUMDes can participate in helping organize the Village Government, specifically to assist in asset management. “BUMDes can also function to develop the local community’s economy,” he said.
The problems of BUMDes, according to Ahmad, include the lack of public understanding of BUMDes, development that limited to physic, to the lack of capital. “The solutions include increasing human resource capacity by actively participating in training and technical guidance activities, actively establishing good communication with the government and supervisors or studying the latest BUMDes regulations,” he said.
The activity was started by Dodi Wirawan I., SE, M.Comm, PhD as Chief Executive, Shofwan, SE., M.Si as Executive Coordinator, Yusri Fajar, SS, MA and Anggun Trisnanto Hari Susilo, S.IP., M, IDEA is intended to fix the problems of BUMDes in 10 Districts of Tulungagung Regency. “Here P4M LPPM UB observes and provides solutions to every problem that occurs in each BUMDes so that it can be handled properly,” said Dodi.
10 BUMDes that cooperate with P4M LPPM UB include Sumber Rejeki Samar Village, Pagerwojo Sub-district; Seahtera Bersama Kaliwungu Village, Ngunut Sub-district; Karya Makmur Ngrendeng Village, Gondang Sub-district; Raharja Punjul Village, Karangrejo Sub-district; Makmur Sejahtera Jabalsari Village, Sumbergempol Sub-district; Kedung Padang Padangan Village, Ngantru Sub-district; Gumregah Boyolangu Village, Boyolangu Sub-district; Al Madina Mojosari Village, Kauman Sub-district; Sutan Mandiri Sejahtera Tanen Village, Rejotangan Sub-district and Bumi Lestari Bangunjaya Village, Pakel Sub-district. (P4M/VQ/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)