Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a closing ceremony for the accreditation visitation by the international accreditation agency AQAS, Thursday (2/2/2023). Previously, AQAS had conducted a visitation to the postgraduate program of the Faculty of Animal Science (Fapet) for three days.
The AQAS Assessor Team who carried out the visitation, namely Prof. Dr. med. vet. abel. Helen Louton, Professor of Animal Health and Animal Welfare, University of Rostock/Germany, Prof. Dr. Anjas Asmara, Department of Animal Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Dr. med. vet. Tanja Dillenburger, veterinary with two offices (7 employees, trainer for future veterinary nurses), PhD at the Department of Animal Nutrition University of Hohenheim/Germany (labor market representative), Damon Mohebbi, student of medicine, University of Düsseldorf/Germany (student representatives) the AQAS Consultants Dr. Sarah Jenschewski and Alexandre Wipf.
In their presentation, they generally gave appreciation and good praise for the facilities and infrastructure provided by Fapet in conducting teaching during a pandemic and at this time. Supporting infrastructure for learning activities, such as library laboratories, IT studios, administration rooms, student activity rooms.
Meanwhile the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Aulanni’am, drh., DES hopes that there will be good results for the accreditation of the two study programs at Faculty of Animal Husbandry.
This activity was also filled with the awarding of accreditation certificates by AQAS to the Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM) and the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) which had been visited some time ago. (OKY/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir).