Closing Ceremony of GBQN X UB : Enriching Knowledge with Faith

The Gebyar Brawijaya Qura’ni Nasional (GBQN X) 2024 Universitas Brawijaya (UB) was successfully held lively for three days (25-27/10). With the presence of 1435 participants consisting of 73 universities, 130 schools and 16 provinces throughout Indonesia, it not only raised the spirit of competition to build interest in Islamic arts but also increased brotherhood between each other through friendship. GBQN X has several main series of events so that it has succeeded in attracting the attention of many visitors to participate in enlivening the activity, starting from UB Bersholawat, Tabligh Akbar to competitions between students and SMA/SMK/MA. There are nine categories competed, namely Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an (MTQ), Musabaqah Tartilil Qur’an (MTrQ), Musabaqah Syarhil Qur’an (MSQ), Musabaqah Khathathil Qur’an (MKQ), Musabaqah Hifdzil Qur’an (MHQ), Musabaqah Fahmil Qur’an (MFQ), Musabaqah Scientific Writing Al-Qur’an (MKTIA), Nasyid Group, and Hadrah Al-Banjari.

In the closing ceremony on Sunday (10/27), Ilhamuddin Nukman S.Psi, MA as the Advisor of UKM Religious Art UB expressed his greatest appreciation for the activity, especially to UB as the organizer, participants and the committee of UKM Religious Art who have succeeded in inviting participants in greater numbers than last year. According to him, the GBQN activity is another side of the National Student Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an (MTQMN) competition organized by the ministry, where these activities become the estuary for the Musabaqah Al-Quran competition activities and become one of the traditions of religious activities that are superior at the national level. GBQN is also a prestigious event for high school students (SMA/SMK/MA) who succeed in winning in the competition category, they will have a fairly large opportunity to enter State Universities in Indonesia. “This is an award for those who have an interest and talent in the field of religious arts, because every State Universities in Indonesia will be wide open to welcome new generations who will later represent the university when competing in the MTQMN event. The two magnificent events at the university level every year are always PIMNAS and MTQMN, so it is undeniable that the GBQN competition is a way opener for the talents of the young contingent to go to MTQMN,” he said.

Ilhamuddin also added that today’s young men and women of Islamic boarding schools must be part of agents of change, no longer the old stigma that is considered traditionalist and outdated. Anyone who has been given the gift of knowledge of the Qur’an, Allah will elevate the status of people who believe and have knowledge, so by participating in religious arts activities both at the provincial and national levels, those who participate will indirectly become heirs to the knowledge of the previous prophets. “GBQN is a meeting between knowledge and faith, so that to build and enrich the knowledge of the younger generation must be born from people who love the Qur’an,” he concluded.

The Closing Ceremony of GBQN X was enlivened by various performances ranging from religious music, dance performances by the Islamic boarding school unit, calligraphy art exhibitions of the competition participants and awards in each category. UB delegation received the best 1 award and the best presentation in the field of scientific writing competitions for the Qur’an on behalf of Isy Kariman. The best poster in the field of scientific writing competitions for the Qur’an on behalf of Ananta Prabha. The best 3 women’s Quran recitation competition was won by Husnul Khotimah Rangkuti. While the overall winner for the student category was won by the Islamic University of Indonesia. [UB PR/ Trans. Iir]