Rahma’s Story with IMTLI : From Brawijaya to Indonesia

The quote from the famous writer Helen Keller, seems to have inspired Rahma Khusniaa, a student at the Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya. Rahma has the opportunity to become General Chair of the Indonesian Environmental Engineering Student Association (IMTLI) for the 2021/2022 period.

The Indonesian Environmental Engineering Student Association (IMTLI) is an organization that accommodates all Environmental Engineering students in Indonesia with the aim of creating a sustainable environment. Currently, IMTLI has 48 associations affiliated with from various parts of Indonesia, which are divided into 6 regions.

‘I believe that by collaborating, we are able to achieve common goals and even achieve something bigger that we hope can inspire others’ explained Rahma regarding the reason for naming his cabinet, the Collaborative Cabinet. ‘And because of this, IMTLI colleagues gave me the nickname Collaborative Mama’ added Rahma with a smile.

IMTLI during a visit to the Jakarta International Stadium

As Chairperson of IMTLI, Rahma has a vision and mission that she carried out for one period, namely to optimize the Environmental Engineering profession and expand relations with various elements. These goals are poured into work programs including environmental care actions which are carried out at 13 points throughout Indonesia with the aim of increasing public awareness of environmental sustainability. In addition, IMTLI has also held an action to plant 1000 trees simultaneously in 6 regions and conducted socialization on the importance of a sustainable environment to junior high school students. Furthermore, IMTLI also publishes articles and videos on environmental themes which can be accessed on IMTLI’s Social Media and it is recorded that until now IMTLI has collaborated with various external parties, both national and international in events held by IMTLI.

“It is an honor for us in the last June, IMTLI was invited directly by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta to review the Green Building Concept at the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS), which at that time had just been completed and had not yet been opened to the public,” said Rahma.

Together with IMTLI, Rahma also had the opportunity to visit IMTLI members throughout Indonesia, become a speaker at various IMTLI events and also become the face of IMTLI’s representation in forums with external parties. This is of course an extraordinary experience. ‘‘Through this opportunity I thank all the collaborative elements, to KMTL Brawijaya who always support and of course to my beloved alma mater Universitas Brawijaya. Hopefully, with this, many students will be inspired to continue to spread their benefits according to their own passion and bring the good name of Universitas Brawijaya. Salam Lestari concluded Rahma with great hope. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]