The Story of UB IR Alumni: 3,4 Years Study Period, Now Working in Independent Campus

Successfully holding a bachelor’s degree with 3,4 years study period seems to be a valuable life experience for Theo Gerald Napitupulu, S.IP.

With a number of achievements and awards he has, this alumnus of the International Relations Study Program has also managed to get brilliant career opportunities, namely by becoming part of the Ministry of Education and Culture, especially for the Independent Campus program.

“Actually, I focus on semesters 1-2 to study so I know what my learning pattern is like. Only in semesters 3-7 I have focused on organization, internships, work and competitions,” he said, Tuesday (1/8/2023).

“Praise God to be accepted at BCG (the fifth UB student to be accepted at BCG) and already full time at the Ministry of Education and Culture working on the Independent Campus from semester 6 until now plus competitions and becoming FISIP Achieved Student,” continued Theo.

However, Theo denied that he was a typical student who was crazy about studying. For Theo, he puts his priority on two things. First, by not delaying tasks and making tasks a top priority.

Don’t forget to diligently take notes and ask questions, so you can get additional points and when the exam period arrives, you are ready. He also admits that he is always looking for experiences outside UB, such as networking, competitions, internships, and so on.

“Need to prepare our academic and professional experience, because in the world of work, GPA is only the first screening standard, what is seen is more on experience,” continued Theo when asked about messages for FISIP students who want to follow in his footsteps.

As previously mentioned, Theo is currently working at the Ministry of Education and Culture, specifically in the Independent Campus – MSIB. He also managed to create a career center with the Permata Bank to establish a MoU cooperation with  it.

“We from the Ministry of Education and Culture will continue to look for ways so that undergraduate students are quickly absorbed, especially from FISIP UB,” concluded Theo. (Alif/FISIP PR/OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)

  From Berita UB