Prevent Anthrax with Disease Warning System

Introduction to Disease Warning System and prevention of anthrax in Tegowangi Village

The Doctoral Service (DM) Team of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FKH UB) introduced the Disease Warning System (DWS) and prevention of anthrax to the people of Tegowangi Village, Plemahan District, Kediri Regency, Saturday (06/07/2024). This activity is in collaboration with the Tegowangi Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMDes).

Head of the DM Team, drh. Gretania Residiwati, M.Si. Ph.D said that the purpose of this activity is to increase awareness and knowledge of the people of Tegowangi Village regarding the dangers of anthrax, how it is transmitted, and preventive measures that can be taken to protect animal and human health. In addition, it is also to introduce DWS as an early detection tool to minimize the spread of dangerous infectious diseases in livestock, one of which is anthrax.

The DM team introduced DWS, explained the concept and how it works, its benefits in early detection of disease, and prevention of its spread. It is planned that this system will be ready for use within the next 1.5 months and then ready to be installed for free and used on smartphones of animal health workers, farmers, and the wider community.

Presentation of the Disease Warning System by the Head of the Doctoral Service Program, drh. Gretania Residiwati, M.Sc. Ph.D

DWS is an application system that detects, monitors, and provides early warnings regarding potential outbreaks or spread of disease in livestock, so that with DWS, preventive and handling actions can be taken quickly to prevent impacts and losses for farmers.

The description of the DWS flow begins with data collection, data processing to display a disease detection warning, which then provides notification on the smartphone to get a response from the Animal Health Worker (NAKESWAN), and ends with follow-up by the NAKESWAN.

anthrax disease prevention counseling for residents of Tegowangi Village by one of the Doctoral Service team, Farahdina Ika Nazhifah

Meanwhile, the presentation of anthrax disease material was delivered by one of the DM KKN team students, Farahdina Ika Nazhifah, which included the definition, symptoms, transmission methods, and impacts of anthrax on animals and humans. She also explained preventive measures, including the importance of vaccination, environmental sanitation, and livestock management.

Although there has been no history of anthrax in Kediri Regency, the disease has become a special concern in Indonesia, especially in endemic areas such as Yogyakarta, especially Gunungkidul.

“In 2023, three deaths due to anthrax were recorded in Gunungkidul, which were caused by consuming meat contaminated with anthrax bacteria. The government has issued a circular to increase awareness and handling of anthrax cases, as well as forming a One Health Integrated Task Force Team involving various health, livestock, and environmental services, so this counseling is carried out with the hope of increasing public awareness regarding the dangers of anthrax. The creation of posters and flyers regarding anthrax disease was also carried out to strengthen the understanding of the community,” explained Gretania, who is also a field supervisor for KKN students.

This activity was attended by the Head of Tegowangi Village along with village officials, representatives from the BUMDES management of Tegowangi Village, the KKN DM Team of Universitas Brawijaya, and residents of Tegowangi Village.

“This socialization is important to increase the awareness of livestock farmers in Tegowangi Village to maintain the health of the community and livestock,” said the Head of Tegowangi Village, Kuswanto in his speech.

The implementation of DWS is expected to help in early detection and prevention of the spread of disease in the future. With this activity, it is hoped that the people of Tegowangi Village can be more vigilant and proactive in maintaining the health of livestock and themselves. [Farahdina/Irene/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]

Flyers and posters for anthrax disease