Category Archives: Penelitian

Kaamil, Student : Creates “Adoptify” Application and Achieves Top 10 Bangkit Academy Incubation Program

The Bangkit Academy program, an initiative of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), in collaboration with Google, Gojek, Tokopedia, and Traveloka, continues to be one of the leading programs of Independent Learning (MBKM). This program offers intensive training in IT and soft skills with three main learning paths: Machine Learning, Mobile Development, […]

FPIK Young Research Team Explores Sendang Biru Aquatic Ecosystem with eDNA Technology

In an effort to support the exploration of potential and monitoring of aquatic ecosystem conditions in Indonesia, a team of young researchers from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK), Universitas Brawijaya, used the latest environmental DNA (eDNA) technology to study the community structure of organisms in the waters around Sendang Biru Harbor, Malang […]


Selling Fermented Coffee at the Soekarno Coffee Fest 2024, UB Students’ Coffee Products were Sold Out!

Coffee is one of the superior commodities in the plantation sector in Indonesia. According to USDA data (2023), in the 2022/2023 period, Indonesia became the third largest coffee producer in the world with a production figure reaching 11.9 million sacks of 60 kg. Several local Indonesian coffee production results are already widely known by the […]

Dr. dr. Paksi Satyagraha Presents Dissertation Results Regarding Urethral Stricture

Lecturer of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FKUB) dr. Paksi Satyagraha, M.Kes., Sp.U (K) presented the results of his dissertation, Tuesday (07/16/2024), at the Auditorium on the sixth Floor of A Building, FKUB. Through the research conducted for the Doctoral Program dissertation of the Medical Science Study Program, Biomedical Interest, Paksi was declared to […]

Dinda Ayu Anggraeni dan Tampilan Virtual Field Trip Kelenteng Eng An Kiong

FCS UB Chinese Literature Student Fosters Digital Diplomacy with Virtual Field Trip to Eng An Kiong Temple

Dinda Ayu Anggraeni, a student from the Study Programme of Chinese Literature (SPCL) at the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB), has pioneered an innovative approach to digital diplomacy to strengthen the relationship between Indonesia and China. Digital diplomacy is a modern approach to diplomacy, utilising technology and online media to support and […]

STOOD: A Practical Tool to Detect E. coli Bacteria Created by UB Students

Four students from the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB) have developed a practical Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria detection tool called STOOD. They are Yusuf Yuaniar (Electrical Engineering), M. Fakhri Aminullah (Electrical Engineering), Raihan Pratama (City and Regional Planning), and Dhea Rachma Febiana (Information Technology). The team Leader, Yusuf Yuaniar said that E. coli […]


Simbiot, IoT-Based Typhus Detection Innovated by UB Students

Typhoid fever or more commonly known as typhus is a disease caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi. Typhus is still often found in developing countries located in subtropical and tropical areas such as Indonesia. Data on typhoid fever infection in Indonesia is quite high, reaching 500 cases per 100,000 population per year. Symptoms include prolonged […]

UB Students Modifies Personal Protective Equipment for Height Workers: SANST (Safety Harness Anti-Suspension Trauma)

Suspension trauma is a condition that occurs when a person is suspended for a long time. In the construction sector, suspension trauma often occurs when workers wearing Full Body Harness (FBH) fall and hang for a long time. As a result, the part of the body that is pinched by the FBH experiences high pressure […]


DIA-WELLFUL, Accelerating Healing Tool for Foot Wounds of Diabetes Sufferers

The combination of nursing FIKES and FT students created an innovation that can help accelerate the healing of wounds on the feet of people with diabetes or diabetic ulcers. DIA-WELLFULL is a tool designed to help accelerate the healing of diabetic ulcer wounds that have experienced proliferation. The working system of this tool is by […]

TransAID Secondary Caries Detection Tool: UB Innovation to Help Detect Dental Health Without Risk

Secondary caries is one of the main types of dental disease that is usually found in the oral cavity. This disease is a condition of damage to the internal and external structures of the teeth where secondary caries occurs in the tooth restoration. Based on data on the prevalence of dental caries, it is estimated […]

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