Category Archives: Penelitian

Inovasi Budidaya Lobster Air Tawar dengan Sistem Highpro Cultivation

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Lima mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam Tim Bejo, membuat desain program budidaya lobster air tawar. Desain program budidaya lobster berupa Pakan dan Sehlter Alami dibuat untuk memenuhi permintaan global terhadap Lobster Indonesia. Perwaklan Tim Bejo, Hisyam Ryandhika Kusuma menjelaskan desain inovasi budidaya lobster dengan Sistem Highpro Cultivation berfokus […]

Alat Pendeteksi Kandungan Minyak Babi dalam Makanan

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Sebanyak tiga orang mahasiswa Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya (FTP UB) Braja Manggala, Tubagus Irfan K, dan Harki Himawan membuat sebuah desain alat untuk mendeteksi kandungan minyak babi pada makanan. Salah satu anggota tim, Braja mengatakan prototype tersebut merupakan rancangan sistem instrumentasi yang terhubung langsung dengan Internet […]

Mahasiswa FMIPA Menemukan Konsep Untuk Atasi Masalah Garam di Indonesia

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Tim mahasiswa Fakultas MIPA Universitas Brawijaya (FMIPA UB) yang terdiri dari El Fajriyah Auliya Putri (Kimia 2017), Miftakhul Jannah (Kimia 2017), dan M. Wildan Wicaksono (2018) membuat konsep untuk mempercepat tahap rekristalisasi  pembuatan garam demi meningkatkan kualitas garam di Indonesia. Upaya tersebut dilakukan dengan penambahan Koagulan Biopolimer […]

LARUNA, Lipstik dari Kulit Buah Pandan Laut

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Lima mahasiswa Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Brawijaya (FPIK UB) membuat lipstik berbahan dasar kulit  Buah Pandan Laut Tim yang terdiri dari Iswati, Sheyna Reffi Adum Ningtias,  Vina Uswatun Hasanah, dan Rhobithotus Mufidah mengatakan warna kuning sampai oranye pada buah pandan laut yang matang, berasal kandungan […]

Corn Sorting Machine Created by UB Students Supports the Agricultural Sector

The agricultural sector is one of the highest contributors to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as well as the largest absorber of labor in Indonesia. In 2019 the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that as much as 29.5% of the total population of Indonesia depends on the agricultural sector. In the same year, the agricultural sector […]

Engineering Students Initiate Shared Space to Overcome Traffic Density

Population growth in Malang City is increasing every year, both natives and migrants. Traffic congestion is inevitable along with the increasing use of motor vehicles. One of the centers of this density is Jalan Bendungan Sigura-gura, Sumbersari District, Malang City. There are two universities (Universitas Brawijaya and Malang National Institute of Technology) located in the […]

Lotion Halal dari Kolagen Kulit Kelinci

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Kolagen adalah jenis protein terbesar pada tubuh yang terbuat dari asam amino, sebagai pembangun utama tulang, kulit, tendon, dan ligamen. Kolagen juga dapat ditemui pada bagian tubuh lainnya seperti pembuluh darah, kornea, dan gigi. Secara alami kolagen dapat diproduksi sendiri oleh tubuh. Akan tetapi seiring bertambah usia, […]

Synergy of the Faculty of Engineering and Medicine UB Creating a Multifunctional Incubator

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2018 as many as 7,000 newborns in the world died every day. In Indonesia alone, about 185 per day with about 15/1000 live babies. Some factors of newborn mortality in Indonesia are 34% prematurity, 7% hypothermia, and 6% jaundice (ikterus, yellow babies). In order to reduce the […]

Chemical Engineering UB New Innovation in Kefir Separation

Fresh milk production in East Java ranks first in national milk production and reaches more than five hundred thousand tons (Central Statistics Agency, 2019). In line with the high milk production, it is important to diversify dairy products to convert excess amounts of fresh milk. One example of a dairy product is kefir. Kefir is […]

Architecture Students Create Healthy Air from Coconut Waste

The need for clean and healthy air is an absolute thing in human life. In this era, humans are increasingly protecting themselves to prevent exposure to pollutants, especially when doing outdoor activities. However, without realizing it, the air in the building has the potential to contain various pollutants that are susceptible to being inhaled by […]

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