Category Archives: Penelitian

TransAID Secondary Caries Detection Tool: UB Innovation to Help Detect Dental Health Without Risk

Secondary caries is one of the main types of dental disease that is usually found in the oral cavity. This disease is a condition of damage to the internal and external structures of the teeth where secondary caries occurs in the tooth restoration. Based on data on the prevalence of dental caries, it is estimated […]

UB Students Develop Smart Bracelets For Atherosclerosis Early Detection

Cardiovascular disease is a group of heart and blood vessel disorders that includes several conditions, including coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and others. This disease is a critical condition that requires immediate treatment, because the heart requires a vital organ that pumps blood throughout the body. The main cause of cardiovascular disease is atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis […]

Smarternity Corset : Maternity Corset as a Smart Solution for the Fetus and Pregnant Mother Welfare

Low back pain is a common complaint experienced by pregnant women, especially at the end of their pregnancy. With an incidence rate reaching 24% to 90% of all pregnant women. This situation does not completely endanger pregnancy, but this complaint can disrupt the activities and well-being of pregnant women, and has the potential to trigger […]

Five UB Students Create EGG, 10 Times Cheaper to Classify Mental Disorders

Five Universitas Brawijaya (UB) students from various faculties and study programs succeeded in creating innovations that could be useful for helping people with mental disorders. This innovation is the result of collaboration between the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Faculty of Medicine. This team consists of Muhammad Rizki Cakramedia, Zayed […]

Rapection: A Fast Counting and Classification System for Multispecies Bacteria Based on Dual Reflectance- Fluorescence Imaging and Deep Learning

Determination of the number of bacteria is a very important stage in the workflow of a complex microbiology laboratory. In the fields of research and diagnosis, water quality monitoring, and food sample testing, this stage is very common and must be carried out with high precision. TPC or Total Plate Count is a method used […]

UB Student Team Presents Buddy: A Thermography-Based Portable Early Detection Camera for Breast Cancer

In the latest developments in the world of environmental technology, the Work-Invention Scheme Student Creativity Week (PKM-KC) team from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya has presented an amazing innovation detection tool called Buddy. An abbreviation for Breast Urgency Detection Device with Thermography, Buddy is a thermography-based portable early breast cancer detection camera that […]

Starting From Respiratory Crisis: STT is Ready to Treat Respiratory Blockages in Tracheostomy Patients

Five Universitas Brawijaya (UB) students have designed an innovative tool called the Smart Tracheostomy Tube (STT) as an effort to overcome challenges in treating tracheostomy patients. The team that is part of UB Work-Invention Student Creativity Program (PKM-KC) consists of Muhammad Eksya Prapanca (Electrical Engineering, 2020), Agda Naufal Awaluddin Hibatullah (Electrical Engineering, 2021), Mesywari Dedes […]

FP Students Conduct Research on Tetraploid Rice Development

The Center for Research and Development of Agricultural Land Resources (2014) states that the area of ​​acid dry land in Indonesia is around 107,358 million ha with the dominant distribution being outside the island of Java, such as in Kalimantan with an area of ​​39,094,313 ha (36.42%), Sumatra 30,934,790 ha (28.81%), and Papua 19,353,332 ha […]

Five Students Develop Edible Film from Potato Peels and Green Tea

Packaging is an important factor in supporting the shelf life of a food product, to protect the food from a decrease in quality. Packaging in Indonesia generally uses plastic. Based on data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia produces 17.5 million tons of waste/year in 2023, with the second largest composition of the […]

FMIPA Students Turn Salt Washing Waste into Electric Vehicle Battery Cathode

A number of students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) are converting salt industry washing waste into raw materials for electric vehicle batteries. This research was conducted by five students Bintang Dwi Nur Rohmad, Rifqi Fajar Maulana, Uray Keisya Ranaputri, Azhar Fakhri Nugraha and Dewi Sakhinah. Magnesium-ion (Mg-ion) batteries are known to […]

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