Category Archives: Penelitian

Foto PDIL Mahasiswa Program Doktor Ilmu Lingkungan

Postgraduate School Study Group Research Three Villages in Brantas Watershed, Malang

As the implementation of the Sustainable Environmental Management and Biotechnology Study Group Grant, 2024, the Postgraduate School (SPUB) team consisting of 7 Lecturers along with 3 Masters students of Environmental Resource Management and Development (PSLP) and 1 Doctoral student of Environmental Science (PDIL) conducted research in Dinoyo Village, Tlogomas, and Kotalama, Malang City. This research […]

Foto Load Cell Alarm Yang Merupakan Alat Bantu Rehabilitasi Untuk Orang Yang Memiliki Cedera Pada Tulang Paha Dan Kaki

Load Cell Alarm, Bone Rehabilitation Aid Created by FK Lecturer

In the 2024 Medical Fair held by the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing UGM, Innovation from UB lecturer, dr. Domy Pradana Putra, Sp.OT won an achievement in product innovation, one of which is the Load Cell Alarm. Load Cell Alarm which is a rehabilitation aid for people with thigh and leg injuries. According […]

Foto Enam Varian Produk Hyper Strike Menyesuaikan Jenis Ikan yang Akan dipancing.

Hyper Strike, Fishing Bait Made by FPIK Students Help Increase Fishing Results

A team of students from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FPIK UB), namely M. Arifin Gymnastyar, Mayang Andi Tiara, Admiral Amin Supit, Syakir Ni’matullah, and Rosella Tiara created Hyper Strike, a fish bait product that is an innovative product in the field of capture fisheries, especially in fishing activities. According to […]

FISIP and School of Psychology University of Adelaide Carry Out Research Collaboration on Building Inclusive Workplace

The Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) has completed an international research collaboration with the University of Adelaide, Australia, in order to develop the concept of an “Inclusive Workplace”. This research activity took place in Adelaide, Australia, for four days (14/10-18/10/2024). This activity was carried out within the […]

Foto , dr. Domy Pradana Putra, Sp.OT

Two Innovative Products by dr. Domy Achieves National Level Achievement

In the annual Pekan Raya Medika 2024 event organized by the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FK KMK UGM) on 27-28 October 2024, dr. Domy Pradana Putra, Sp.OT from the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FKUB) managed to achieve proud achievements by bringing home two champion titles in the categories […]

Diskusi Tim UB dan Osaka University

UB and Osaka University Collaboration on Sodium-Ion Battery Research

“Dosen Berkarya” (Dokar) team from the Chemistry Undergraduate Program (PSSK), Universitas Brawijaya (UB), visited the School/Graduate School of Engineering Science of Osaka University to perform a joint-research in the development of sodium-ion battery electrolytes for a week (29/9-5/10/2024). This collaboration is part of the partnership between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), UB, […]

LSD Virus Research in Cattle, Collaboration between FKH and University of Adelaide

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FKH UB) represented by drh. Widi Nugroho PhD, strengthens collaboration with virology researchers from the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, University of Adelaide, (SAVS UofA), South Australia. This collaboration aims to explore the characteristics of the Capripox lumpyskinpox virus genome which causes lumpy skin disease (LSD) or […]

FTP and FILKOM Create Innovation on Plant Recommendation Software Based on Machine Learning

Technological advances have brought revolutions in various sectors, including agriculture. Students of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) and the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya (FILKOM UB) collaborated to develop SpectraGrow, a plant recommendation application based on Sentinel-2A satellite data and machine learning that utilizes soil characteristics. This Android application is expected to optimize […]

P2HK FH Publishes Policy Paper related to Challenges on Skill Improvement of Digital Platform Workers

A recent research conducted by the Center for the Development of Employment Law (P2HK) of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya (FH UB) in collaboration with academics from the Faculty of Law, Universitas Gajah Mada (FH UGM) revealed that the majority of workers in the gig economy sector, especially online motorcycle taxis, have a strong […]

Kaamil, Student : Creates “Adoptify” Application and Achieves Top 10 Bangkit Academy Incubation Program

The Bangkit Academy program, an initiative of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), in collaboration with Google, Gojek, Tokopedia, and Traveloka, continues to be one of the leading programs of Independent Learning (MBKM). This program offers intensive training in IT and soft skills with three main learning paths: Machine Learning, Mobile Development, […]

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