Category Archives: Kemahasiswaan


Chemical Engineering UB Students Turns Avocado Waste into Sunscreen

Indonesia is a tropical country that gets sunshine throughout the year. However, sunlight that reaches the earth also contains UV-A and UV-B rays. These rays have a negative impact on the skin, from sunburn, premature aging, and even skin cancer. Based on the results of the 2007 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) survey, skin cancer stay […]

UB New Students Batch 2020 Join Online Campus Orientation

New Students of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) 2020 take part in the Online Student Introduction to Campus Life Simulation (PKKMB) online, Saturday (12/09/2020). This simulation is carried out as a preparation for the implementation of the 2020 Online PKKMB which will be held on Saturday-Sunday (19-20/09/2020). Chairman of PKKMB 2020, Dr. Setiawan Noerdajasakti, SH., MH said, […]

Kesma Adakan Monev Progress TSRA

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Bagian Kesejahteraan Mahasiswa (KESMA) Biro Kemahasiswaan Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan UB melaksanakan Monitoring Evaluasi (Monev) progress pelaksanaan penelitian mahasiswa yang didanai oleh Tanoto Foundation atau Tanoto Scholar Research Award (TSRA), Kamis (10/9/2020). Sebanyak 18 kelompok yang lolos pendanaan melaporkan, meskipun pendanaan sempat terhambat karena situasi COVID-19 sehingga tidak […]

Chemical Engineering Students Present Clean Water for Village in Lamongan

Clean water in settlements is a very crucial aspect that must be met. Efforts to fulfill this clean water must be carried out continuously for a long time. However, not all regions can meet this need for clean water. One of them is Karangbinangun Village, Lamongan Regency. The water sources that are widely used by […]

Mechanical Engineering Students Create Environmentally Friendly Electric Chimneys

Indonesia is one of the largest industrialized countries in Southeast Asia and even has several industrial areas. This is a sign that the Indonesian economy state is quite good. But unfortunately, the number of industrial areas is also a contributor to the number of pollutants in Indonesia. This is what causes Indonesia to be in […]

19 FT Team Ready to Represent UB in PIMNAS 2020

The Student Creativity Program (PKM) for New Students 2019 has been completed. As a result, 19 freshman works were selected from the 6 categories that were competed. The winners get the opportunity for intensive coaching and are eligible to take part in monitoring and evaluation at the University level on 25 September 2020. This achievement […]


Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Fakultas Ilmu Budaya (FIB) menjadi juara umum mengungguli  FT dan FPIK dalam Pekan Seni Mahasiswa (PEKSIMA) yang dilaksanakan di Ruang Sidang lantai 8 Gedung Kantor Pusat UB, Jumat (28/8/2020). Dalam kompetisi yang diselenggarakan lingkup UB tersebut, FIB mampu mengumpulkan juara dalam tujuh tangkai lomba, yang terdiri dari […]

124 PKM Lolos Pendanaan Kemendikbud

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Sebanyak 124 proposal PKM (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) mendapat pendanaan dari Kemendikbud. PKM lima bidang tersebut yakni PKM Penelitian (PKM-P), PKM Kewirausahaan (PKM-K), PKM Pengabdian Masyarakat (PKM-M), PKM Teknologi (PKM-T), dan PKM Karsa Cipta (PKM-KC).  UB menerima pendaaan sebanyak 124 proposal dari 849 proposal yang […]

UB Peringkat 2 Kemahasiswaan Nasional

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Universitas Brawijaya (UB) meraih peringkat dua dalam Klasterisasi bidang kemahasiswaan (non vokasi) tingkat nasional yang dirilis oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kamis (27/8/2020) melalui Sistem Informasi Managemen Pemeringkatan Mahasiswa (SIMKATMAWA). Peringkat ini mengalami kenaikan dibandingkan tahun lalu yang berada di posisi ke lima nasional. Wakil Rektor III […]


Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Universitas Brawijaya (UB) mengadakan Pekan Seni Mahasiswa (PEKSIMA) di Ruang Jamuan lantai 6 Gedung Kantor Pusat pada (26/8-27/8/2020). Sebanyak 186 peserta dari berbagai fakultas di UB berkompetisi dalam ajang ini. Adapun bidang kesenian yang dilombakan meliputi vokal solo pop, seriosa, keroncong, dangdut, baca puisi, penulisan cerpen, penulisan […]

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