Stroke incidence in Indonesia has the second highest mortality rate in Southeast Asia, reaching 193.3 deaths out of 100,000 cases and has a DALYs (Disability Adjusted Life Years) number of 3.38 years. (Venketasubramanian et al., 2017). The condition of post-stroke patients is often accompanied by the occurrence of weakening of the muscles on some sides […]
Plastic waste is quite crucial problem for humans, especially Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) waste which is generally found in the form of single-use drinking bottles. The increasing amount of plastic waste causes problems for the environment. Plastic waste takes up to 80 years to decompose that causing serious problems. Based on these problems, five students of […]
Batu City, located in the highlands makes it famous as the Cold City. Most of the soil types are Andosols, contain lots of minerals, making them fertile and a producer of fruits and vegetables in East Java, even nationally. Administratively, the city is divided into three sub-districts and a total of 19 villages and 5 […]
Indonesia is a maritime country that has great potential, one of the commodities with great potential is lobster. If managed properly, one lobster can reach two million per head. With this price, Indonesia has the potential to become the largest exporter in the world. Unfortunately, based on data from the BPS 2020, the amount of […]
A number of students from Universitas Brawijaya (UB) who are members of the Village Empowerment Development Program (P3D) help the community of Tawangsari Village, Pujon through batik to create new livelihoods and create an environmentally cultured society. The team leader, Herlin Sri Wahyuni explained that Tawangsari Village, Pujon was chosen as the location for community […]
The dehydration process is one of the important processes in the industrial world, especially natural gas. This process is used to reduce the water content contained in natural gas. Excess water content can have a bad impact on the piping because it can cause corrosion (rust) and the formation of hydrates that can clog the […]
Faculty of Engineering (FT) students collaborate with the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) to create a rehabilitation robot that can help foot therapy in post-stroke patients. After a stroke, patients usually experience problems in moving their legs or arms. The current therapy tools are very large, so they take up a lot of […]
Indonesia is an agricultural country with the majority of the population working as farmers. According to the Central Statistics Agency, in February 2017 there were 39.68 million Indonesians, or around 31.86% of the total population working in the agricultural sector. This can actually make Indonesia a country that has strong food security and economy. People […]
Radiant rays from the sun, ultraviolet light, appear in different types and wavelengths and have different effects on human skin. Such as premature aging, tanning, sunburn, and damage to the DNA structure of the skin. So far, the negative effects of sunlight can be stopped/blocked with sunscreen. However, the mixture of chemicals in this sunscreen […]
Indonesia is a country with a very diverse culture. In 2018, there were 225 Intangible Cultural Heritage recognized by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. However, nowadays the culture of the archipelago tends to be eroded by the flow of globalization, where the linkages and dependencies between nations and between people around the world […]