Category Archives: Kampus Tangguh

More Than 1300 Lecturers and UB Staff Receive Dose 2 Vaccine

A total of more 1,300 lecturers and educational staff at Universitas Brawijaya received a second dose of Covid-19 vaccination. The vaccination is given for two days, on Wednesday and Thursday (24-25 / 3/2021), in Samanta Krida, Universitas Brawijaya. The recipients of this second dose are those who have received the first dose of injection on […]

UB Vaccines 5.000 Lecturers, Educational Staff and Retirees

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) provides COVID-19 vaccination to 5,000 employees. Vaccine recipients consist of lecturers, educational staff, and retirees in UB. Vaccinations are held for a week, which is 9-16 March 2021, at the Samantha Krida building. The Chief Executive of UB Covid-19 Vaccine, dr. Muhammad Anshory, Sp.PD said that the vaccination was carried out based […]

Vice Rector III Gives Feedback If the Internet Quota is Received

Vice Rector III for Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Abdul Hakim, M.Sc., said that if the student internet quota assistance is received for this semester, it would be great because this is what students expect so far. “I think this will be great, because it also becomes a question of students. So after we realized the […]

Covid-19 Vaccine: Health and Economic

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) through the Covid-19 Task Force in collaboration with UB Media Group to hold a Webinar Series of the Covid-19 Task Force Episode 2, with the theme “Covid-19 Vaccine: Health and Economy”. This online activity presented three speakers, there are a researcher from The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), dr. Asri Maharani, […]

Universitas Brawijaya Clinic Starts Vaccinating Public Health Workers

In an effort to participate in supporting the vaccination program for protection against the Covid-19 virus in Malang, Universitas Brawijaya Clinic has started vaccination activities for public health workers. Vaccination is carried out for two days, Thursday-Friday (25-26 / 02/2021) and is open from 09.00-15.00. The Director of UB Clinic, dr. Fida Rahmayanti, MMRS said […]

Yakinkan Kesiapan Vaksinasi, Satgas Covid-19 UB Adakan Webinar

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Dalam rangka mendukung program vaksinasi Covid-19 pemerintah, Tim Satgas Covid-19 Universitas Brawijaya menggelar kegiatan webinar dengan tema “Vaksinasi Covid-19: Siapkah Kita?”. Kegiatan webinar dilaksanakan secara daring melalui media zoom dan disiarkan langsung di channel youtube UB dan UBTV Livestream, Sabtu (20/02/2021). Dalam sambutannya, Tri Wahyu Nugroho, Sp., […]

UB Hospital Provides 341 Sinovac Vaccines for the Health Workers and Employees

Along with the vaccination program at UB Clinic, Universitas Brawijaya Hospital (RSUB) also carries out Covid-19 vaccination program for health workers and their employees. This vaccine program starts on Monday (1/2/2021). More than 300 vials of Sinovac serum have been provided for health workers and RSUB staff. According to the Public Relations of RSUB, M. […]

Increasing Protection, UB Clinic Starts Vaccinating the Health Workers and the Employees

As an effort to intensify the promotion of the Covid-19 vaccine, Universitas Brawijaya Clinic started vaccination activities today. A total of 51 vials of Sinovac vaccine have been provided by UB Clinic to be injected to the health workers and employees on Monday and Tuesday (1-2 / 2/2021). According to the Director of UB Clinic, […]

UB Distributed Aid for Jember Flood

The Center of Earth Studies and Disaster Mitigation Universitas Brawijaya synergizes with Malang Raya Volunteers to distribute relief of flood disaster in two locations, namely Bangsalsari District and Tempurejo District, Jember Regency on Sunday (24/01/2021). The aid provided was in the form of basic necessities and cleaning KIT materials. The first aid was delivered at […]

The Track Record of UB-RSUB-RSSA EMT in Mamuju

Entering the third day of Emergency Medical Team service in collaboration with dr. Saiful Anwar Malang, Universitas Brawijaya and Universitas Brawijaya Hospital, to this day, have recorded 77 cases handled at West Sulawesi Provincial Hospital, in Mamuju. At this location, the EMT team prepared to set up the Emergency Room as a patient entrance and […]

Advanced Search
