Universitas Brawijaya Hospital held vaccinations for pregnant women in Malang City. This morning, (19/8/2021), as many as 60 pregnant women received a dose 1 of Covid-19 vaccination. In addition to Malang, this event was held simultaneously in several cities in Indonesia. This activity is a collaboration between the Ministry of Health, BKKBN, Indonesian Obstetrics and […]
Vaccination targets for Universitas Brawijaya students reached 95 percent or 4663 of the 5000 vaccine targets provided. The Chairperson of UB Vaccination, dr. Muhammad Anshory, Sp.PD explained 4663 was the number of vaccine recipients for four days (6/8-9/8/2021) with details on the first day 817, the second day 715, the third day 1297, and the […]
Universitas Brawijaya Alumni Association (IKA UB) socializes the program and activities of the COVID task force through webinars. The activity entitled uniting power to fight the epidemic: IKA UB humanitarian activity for COVID-19 pandemic presented speakers from the COVID-19 task force volunteers from both Malang and Jabodetabek areas and also the medical tele-consultation team […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Sebanyak 5000 dosis vaksinasi Covid-19 disediakan bagi sivitas Universitas Brawijaya. Kegiatan vaksinasi ini akan diselenggarakan selama empat hari, mulai Jumat hingga Senin (6-9/8/2021), berlokasi di Gedung Samanta Krida, Universitas Brawijaya. Pada pelaksanaan hari pertama, tercatat 821 penerima dari target 1250 suntikan. Penerima vaksinasi yang dibidik pada rangkaian […]
The second wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia has had a significant impact on society. Hospital facilities are full, the need for plasma blood donors, the increased need for oxygen, vitamins, and medicines are the main problems faced by the community. There is a lot of harmful info related to the availability of necessities during […]
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universitas Brawijaya (FKH UB) held a webinar on Slaughtering of Sacrificial Animals according to health protocols, Sunday (11/7/2021). The activity was held to anticipate the number of sacrificial animals being slaughtered but the limited number of Slaughterhouses (RPH) in Indonesia. “According to the data I got, there are about 555 slaughterhouses […]
Five students from Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Alfian Fitrayansyah (FT’19), Affan Affandi (FT’18), Akmal Adnan Attamami (FMIPA’18), Muchammad Nasyruddin Hakim (FT’18), and Muhammad Lutfi Ardiansyah (FPIK’18) under the guidance of Raden Arief Setyawan, ST., MT. making innovation “Smart Mapping System for The Potential Spread of COVID-19 via CCTV on The Road Based on Computer Vision and […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Dampak wabah COVID-19 yang muncul sejak tahun 2020, mempengaruhi laju perekonomian dunia. Begitu pula masyarakat Indonesia mulai dari pengusaha mikro hingga perusahaan besar terkena imbasnya. Menghadapi krisis global, para pelaku usaha tetap dapat bertahan dengan memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi, yakni media sosial dan aplikasi onlineshop sebagai alternatif lapak dengan […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Sekitar 1400an dosen, tenaga kependidikan dan tenaga pendukung di Universitas Brawijaya telah menerima vaksin Covid-19. Penyuntikan ini dilakukan pada Senin-Selasa (24-25/5/2021) di gedung Samanta Krida, Universitas Brawijaya. Pemberian vaksin AstraZeneca batch CTMAV 546 ini, menurut Ketua Satgas Pencegahan Penyebaran Penanggulangan Covid-19 UB, Prof. Dr. dr. Sri Andarini, […]
In order to support the success of the Covid-19 vaccination program, Universitas Brawijaya through the Covid-19 Prevention Control Task Force held another vaccination campaign. This activity was carried out on Thursday (20/5/2020) via video conference media to the academic community of Universitas Brawijaya Presented as the speaker, Dr. dr. Gatot Soegiarto, Sp.PD, K.Al, FINASIM, FEEACI, […]