Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Untuk membantu pemulihan sivitas saat sedang isolasi mandiri, Satuan Tugas Covid-19 Universitas Brawijaya bekerja sama dengan Badan Amil Zakat Sedekah dan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya menyalurkan paket bantuan isoman. Bantuan ini diberikan secara periodik sejak awal Maret 2022. Menurut dr. Ayunda Dwi Jayanti Jilan Putri selaku tim […]
Dozens of employees and visitors of head office conduct COVID-19 screening before entering the main office building of Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Monday (14/2/2022). COVID-19 screening is carried out through a tool called UBreath, an innovation by Prof. Drs. Arinto Yudi Ponco Wardoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. UBreath works by detecting metabolic products from the respiratory and digestive […]
After having implemented hybrid lectures (online and offline), Universitas Brawijaya (UB) again held lectures in full online. This is stated in Rector’s order number 2196/UN10/TU/2022 dated 11 February 2022. Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. drh. Aulanni’am, DES conveyed that the return of lectures to the online system was due to the increasing positive […]
Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a Hybrid lecture (offline and online) for the first time on Monday (7/2/2022). There are five faculties that hold Hybrid lectures on the first day, namely the Faculty of Medicine (FK), Faculty of Cultural Studies (FIB), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) and Faculty of Health […]
Army (TNI AD) through Rumkitban Bhirawa Bhakti Hospital, Malang Kesdam Clinic, in collaboration with RSUB, and UB Medical Faculty held a booster vaccine for the 3rd dose of Pfizer type in Samantha Krida Building UB, Wednesday (2/2/2022). The vaccine is intended for UB’s academic community, families and the general public. “Today’s vaccination quota is 1000 […]
Universitas Brawijaya will hold a hybrid lecture starting February 7, 2022. The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP UB) has prepared all the preparations for health protocols, one of which is preparing healthy room. The head of FISIP UB Covid-19 Task Force, Yusli Effendi said that the healthy room was established to anticipate the […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Vaksinasi yang digelar oleh Ikatan Alumni Universitas Brawijaya (IKA-UB) bekerjasama dengan Badan Usaha Kesehatan (BUKes) selama empat hari, Sabtu-Selasa (18-21/09/2021), di gedung Samantha Krida tercapai 72,6 persen. Dari 8.000 dosis vaksin jenis AstraZeneca yang disediakan, sebanyak 5.810 mahasiswa, alumni, keluarga sivitas akademika, dan masyarakat sekitar UB telah […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Ikatan Alumni Universitas Brawijaya (IKA UB) berkolaborasi dengan Pemprov Jatim dan Badan Usaha Kesehatan (BUKes) kembali menyelenggarakan kegiatan vaksinasi Covid-19 bagi mahasiswa, alumni, keluarga sivitas akademika, dan masyarakat sekitar UB. Kali ini IKA UB menyediakan 8.000 dosis vaksin AstraZeneca. Vaksinasi digelar selama empat hari, Sabtu-Selasa (18-21/09/2021), di […]
Lecturers and education staff of the Faculty of Computer Science UB have carried out the second stage of vaccination in Samantha Krida Building, Universitas Brawijaya, Saturday (21/8/202). This vaccination program is organized by the university in collaboration with Universitas Brawijaya Polyclinic and Teaching Hospital. As many as 1700 vaccination participants attended in that day consisting […]
Online lectures raise four categories of problems faced by students, namely academic, personal, family, and social, said UB Psychologist, Ari Pratiwi, S.Psi., M.Psi. “Indeed, students have separate problems, ranging from anxiety to stress,” said Ary, in the Guidance and Counseling Training Webinar for Batch II Academic Advisory Lecturers, Wednesday (18/8/2021). Academic factors, for example, students […]