Category Archives: Kampus Merdeka

Malaysian Students Undergo Mobility Program at FTUB

Five students from the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (FKEE), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), undergo the Student Mobility Program at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (DTE FTUB) in August – December 2023 or for one semester. The group of students from “Negeri Jiran” was welcomed by faculty […]

Foto Fajar Trang Bawono, ST, Founder dan Owner dari Indigroup Indonesia Saat Memberikan Materi

Vocational Faculty Held 3 in 1 Class Invites Malaysian Practitioners and Lecturers

The Vocational Faculty holds 3in1 program activities to increase student knowledge and eliminate gaps between the material being taught and what happens in the field. The activity by inviting practitioners was carried out in the 4th floor hall of Brawijaya Language Center. The activity was divided into two sessions. First session on (29/9-31/8/2023) and second […]

Foto Nurjihan Kansa Zalsabilla

Mimpi Wisudawan dari Kota Kecil di Jawa Timur ini Terwujud Berkat IISMA

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Mimpi Nurjihan Kansa Zalsabilla untuk bisa keluar negeri akhirnya terwujud berkat program Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA). Wisudawan yang akrab dipanggil Jihan dari Prodi Sastra Inggris ini mengaku sempat pesimis terhadap mimpinya karena berasal dari Trenggalek, Jawa Timur. “Saya dari MTs sudah bermimpi untuk belajar di […]

Pelepasan Mahasiswa MBKM FILKOM Semester Ganjil Tahun Akademik 2023/2024

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia.   Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Brawijaya (FILKOM UB) melepas 83 mahasiswa yang terpilih dalam mengikuti Program Merdeka Belajar, Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Semester Ganjil 2023/2024. Acara pelepasan mahasiswa ini dipimpin langsung oleh Dekan bersama seluruh pimpinan Dekanat FILKOM, Kamis (24/8/2023) secara daring melalui Zoom. Mengawali acara, pengantar disampaikan […]

UB Receives 53 International Summer Course Students

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) accepted 53 International Summer Course students, Monday (14/08/2023). This activity is a collaboration initiative between UB, Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), and Wageningen University, Netherlands. With the theme “Smart Farming System”, this activity involved three related faculties, namely Agriculture, Agricultural Technology, and Animal Husbandry. Chief Executive Muhammad Akhid Syib’li, S.P., MP, Ph.D said […]

The Story of UB IR Alumni: 3,4 Years Study Period, Now Working in Independent Campus

Successfully holding a bachelor’s degree with 3,4 years study period seems to be a valuable life experience for Theo Gerald Napitupulu, S.IP. With a number of achievements and awards he has, this alumnus of the International Relations Study Program has also managed to get brilliant career opportunities, namely by becoming part of the Ministry of […]

33 Student Volunteers were Departed in Campus Teaching Program of FPUB

  The Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) released 33 volunteer students in the ” Campus Teaching” program. This activity is part of the university’s efforts to contribute to improving the quality of education in various primary and secondary schools in Malang area. The release of the volunteer students was carried out by the Vice […]

Rizkita Murwani, Third Secretary Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (KBRI) di Santiago Republik Chile (kiri) dan Karina Pravita Putri (kanan)

FISIP Student Passes IISMA to Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Karina Pravita Putri, a fourth semester student at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, successfully passed IISMA (Indonesian International Student Mobility Award) Awardee 2023 program and continued her studies at Pontificia University, Universidad Catolica de Chile. Karina along with four students from other tertiary institutions, Wednesday (26/7/2023), took part in IISMA 2023 Pre-Departure Briefing […]

Rafif Ananda Gusti , peserta MAGENTA BUMN dari FH UB

 Rafif’s Story while Participating in Magenta BUMN : Combination of Softskills and Knowledge to Build Career Slowly

Undergoing higher education, not only increasing academic ability. However, they also develop themselves through various activities to increase capacity and build networks. This is supported by Universitas Brawijaya which encourages students to participate in various self-development programs for students, one of which is through BUMN Talent Generation Internship program (MAGENTA). One of the students who […]

Studying MBKM, Untirta Banten Visits FISIP UB

The name of the Government Science Study Program at Universitas Brawijaya was able to attract the attention of several other educational institutions, especially in the implementation of Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM). Good MBKM management made the Government Science Study Program at Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University or Untirta Banten visit UB Government Science Study Program, […]

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