Category Archives: IKU

The Story of Two Students of Health Science in Malaysia: Learning to Deal with Patients

Last October 2022, two students from the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya had the opportunity to take part in the International Credit Transfer program. For one semester, Hasnikmatullah Suprabekty and Khodijah Salahuddin had the opportunity to attend lectures at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) until mid-February. Being a foreign campus provides a new […]

FMIPA Establishes Collaboration with Indonesian Actuary Association

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) together with five tertiary institutions signed a MoU or Assessment of Cooperation with Persatuan Akutuaris Indonesia (PAI) or The Society of Actuaries of Indonesia, Tuesday (25/1/2023). Universitas Brawijaya was represented by the Dean of MIPA as well as the Vice Rector for Planning and Collaboration, Prof. Dr. Ir. Moch. Sasmito Djati., MS., […]

Soft Launching, SDGs UB Help Succeed 1000 Villages Community Service

The Center of UB Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were officially introduced to the public through a Soft Launching agenda which was held at FISIP UB, Wednesday (18/1/2023). The coordinator of UB SDGs Center, Dr. Muhammad Muzakki S.Pd., M.Si said that currently in East Java there are only 3 campuses that have SDGs. The first is […]

Foto bersama mahasiswa Universitas Ritsumeiken

FPIK and FMIPA Students Succeed to Pass the Sakura Program

Four student representatives from Universitas Brawijaya include Ilham Misbakudin Al Zamzami (FPIK UB Postgraduate), Fatmawati Agustina (UB FMIPA Postgraduate), Luthfia Ayu Dhea (UB Coastal and Marine Studies Center), and Roudatul Ibdiah (UB Coastal and Marine Studies Center) took a short course at Ritsumeikan University. Their departure in order to take part in the Sakura Exchange […]

Students of Urban Planning Play Role in Planning Kediri City

Transportation and Urban Design Studio, Department of Urban and Regional Planning (PWK), Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) is collaborating with Kediri City regarding urban planning and transportation. The work of PWK FTUB students was received directly by the Mayor of Kediri, Abdullah Abu Bakar, in the Joyoboyo Room, Kediri City Hall, Tuesday (10/1/2023). The […]

FIB Departs Three Students to Thailand for Teaching Assistance

Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program (Diksasindo), Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya (FCS UB), succeeded in sending three female students to Thailand accompanied by two lecturers in their departure, Monday (9/1/2023). The departure assistance, which was held for three days, aims to accompany and leave female students for the next month at schools […]

UB with 15 State Universities Sign Cooperation Agreement with PLN

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) together with 15 State Universities signed a collaboration with PT PLN (Persero) in the framework of developing science and research. The signing of the collaboration was carried out in Jakarta (10/1/2023). Secretary of the Directorate of Cooperation and Internationalization Muamar Gaddafi, S.Kom, M.M., explained that the implications of the cooperation of the […]

Through DOKAR, Three FEB Lecturers Teach in Malaysia Campus

The “DOKAR” or Lecturer Works Program from Universitas Brawijaya in 2022 has delivered three senior lecturers at the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, to become guest lecturers and professors at one of the tertiary institutions in Malaysia. For several days, Nurkholis.,Ph.D.,Ak.,CA., Yeney Widya Prihatiningtias, DBA., and Mirna Amirya, PhD., became lecturers at […]

Implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, UB Collaborates with PT Sucofindo

As an effort to create synergies while developing the potential of human resources, Universitass Brawijaya signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation Agreement. The signing was held on Thursday (5/1/2023) at the Rectorate Building, Universitas Brawijaya, offline and online. The signing of this agreement was carried out by the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Widodo, […]

Approaching 1000 Villages Movement, LPPM UB Held Cross Sectoral Coordination

One of the functions of higher education is to play a role in community service. This is Universitas Brawijaya conducting in the LPPM UB’s 1000 Village Movement in 2023. To prepare for the implementation of this program, the Institute for Research and Community Service Universitas Brawijaya held a Student Coordination and Synchronization Workshop to Build […]

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