Category Archives: Headline

UB Wins the Research Grant of COVID-19 UKRI

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) wins a research grant of COVID-19 from United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI).As it is known that the institution disburse funding for 20 grants for a total of 7.5 million poundsterling The grant is a global project to support people who are prone of being affected by COVID-19 in 20 developing countries. […]

Firmansyah, perwakilan Tim J-Roid

Body Temperature Balancing Jacket Choosen as One of the 75 Pancasila Achievement Icons

The joint team of the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya was chosen to be one of the 75 Pancasila Achievement icons in the science category based on the Decree of BPIP RI Number 76 of 2020. The team consisting of Firmansyah Putra Satria (FT), Bagas Priyo Hadi Wibowo (FT), Ahmad […]

4th ICGGAB Raises The Theme of Technology In Agroindustry

Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya (FTP UB) held an annual international conference namely the International Conference on Green Agro-industry and Bioeconomy (ICGAB), Tuesday (25/8/2020). This scientific meeting of researchers from within and outside the country has entered its fourth year of implementation. This year, the 4th ICGAB has the theme Emerging Technology and Integrated […]

UB Achieves the 8th Position in Indonesia

Prof. Nuhfil Hanani, A.R., M.S.Prof. Nuhfil Hanani, A.R., M.S.Universitas Brawijaya (UB) achieves the 8th position of the cluster 1 universities in Indonesia. This rating has increased compared to last year. UB Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani, A.R., M.S., explained that according to the assessment indicators, which are input, process, output, and outcome, the position […]

GIRAFFE Award For Achieved Lecturers

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) gives awards for achieved lecturers and institutions with the name GIRAFFE Award, Monday (17/8/2020). The Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani, A.R., M.S. said that the giving of GIRAFFE Award marks UB awakening to become international. “After there have been many international achievements that have been achieved by UB before, such as […]

Prof. Nuhfil Hanani, A.R., M.S.

UB is Ready to Facilitate Students in Independent Learning Program

The Policy of Independent Learning- Independent Campus launched by the Minister of Education and Culture can be used as a foundation for preparing college graduates who are tough, skilled, resilient, and relevant to the needs of the times. Therefore, the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR., MS stated that he […]

Doctor Serve and Head of Krisik Village Collaborate in the Field of Ecotourism

The team of Doctor Serve Universitas Brawijaya (DM UB) signed a cooperation document with Krisik Village, Thursday (6/8/2020). The signing of collaboration was represented by the Chairman of the DM team, Prof. Dr. Aulani’am, drh., DES and the Head of Krisik Village. The cooperation in the field of ecotourism was sparked after the DM UB […]

The Handover of MUI Halal Certificate from Halal Acceleration Team of Malang City, Prof. Ir. Mohammad Bisri to the Three General Managers at Salimar Hotel

The Three Culinary Business of BUNA Receive MUI Halal Certificate

Three culinary endeavors of Non-Academic Business Entities (BUNA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB), which are UB Coffee, Coffee Shop UB Guest House, and Griya Brawijaya Catering receive Halal certificates from Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). Based on the information obtained, UB Coffee received MUI halal certificate on February 14, 2020, Coffee Shop UB Guest House on July 17, […]

The Pagur Eksekutif is now being widely used by fish farmers in Kediri

UB Students Made an Inexpensive Fish Pellets

Students of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences PSDKU (Study Program Outside the Main Campus) Aquaculture Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Kediri have been innovating a gourami feed from natural ingredients called PAGUR EKSEKUTIF (Pakan Gurami EKonomis, SEhat, berKUalitas, dan efekTIF) or Gourami Feed that is Economical, Healthy, Quality, and Effective. Initially, this innovation was included […]

Griya Brawijaya dan UB Guest House Terverifikasi Protokol Kesehatan

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Penginapan Griya Brawijaya dan UB Guest House mendapat verifikasi sesuai protokol kesehatan dari Dinas Kepemudaan Olahraga dan Pariwisata Kota Malang. Sertifikat verifikasi diterima oleh perwakilan Griya Brawijaya dan UB Guest House bersama 23 hotel berbintang dan guest house, Jumat (7/8/2020). General Manager Griya Brawijaya Aria Fikriyah, S.TP., […]

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