Category Archives: Berita UB

Faculty of Animal Husbandry in Collaboration With Universiti Putra Malaysia

In order to prepare ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and also towards Faculty of Animal Husbandry with international competitiveness, Faculty of Animal Husbandry University of Brawijaya (Fapet UB) in cooperation with universities abroad, such as Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). The partnership is in form of student exchange, lecturer exchange and research collaboration. UPM delegates its six […]

Interview Test for UB’s Lecturer with Employment Contract

After TOEFL test implementation, all the University of Brawijaya’s staff (lecturer) with employment contract applicants who qualifiedthe Basic Proficiency Test (Tes Kemampuan Dasar/TKD) joined in interview test. The interview organized for three days, Wednesday-Friday (24-26/Feb/2016) at GOR Pertamina University of Brawijaya. “Each applicant interviewed by three or four lecturers in accordance with each subject,” said […]

Belgium Dairy Farmer Shares Experiences for Animal Husbandry Students

Jan Versteynen and Elisabeth de Bont, a couple of husband and wife have a dairy farming supported with state of the art and modern instrumentation. Along with their boy, they manage a family dairy-farming so-called Fam Versteynen that has 400 cows. Armed with experience in managing hundreds of cattle with lack human resources, Jan along […]

Tolkidz Represents ASEAN at IBMC 2016

ESPRIEX Business Model final competition has accomplished. The three best teams out of 10 finalists performed their abilities in arranging business model in front of judges panel. The event organized at UB TV studio, Tuesday (23/Feb/2016). “Also attended in the event, such as Castrol Indonesia CEO, Markplus Inc. COO and representatives of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. […]

Mangosteen Peel Extract as Solutions for Preeclampsia Prevention

Xanthone contents in mangosteen peel in addition to have characteristic as anti cancer, anti inflammatory, anti microbe and declining cholesterol, it turns out to have savour as preeclampsia prevention therapy also. Preeclampsia is a specific syndrome in pregnancy that usually happened after 20 weeks pregnancy, marked by blood improving and proteinuria (protein excess in the […]

Learning to Build Startup from the Expert

A national seminar titled “Build a Business Startup on Socio Friendly Technology” organized on Monday (21/Feb/2016) gave opportunity for around 300 participants to learn about how to build Startup from the expert presented as speakers. The experts who had successfully in the field of Startup are Zulfiar Ryanda Putra (CEO GumCode), Eko Kurniawan Khannedy (‎Principal […]

The 2016 ASEAN Espriex Business Competition, Move the Entrepreneurial Students’ Creativity

Entrepreneurship world paradigm among students indeed is no more novelty recent times, moreover Indonesia is penetrating globalization era, one of which is in order to welcome ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). Yet the most important in recent time is how to foster spirit, motivation unique and interesting ideas in creating business plan itself. By this regard, […]

Introducing, Brawijaya Language Centre

University of Brawijaya (UB) set up a Language Development Unit (Unit Pengembangan Bahasa) under coordination of Governing Body of Academic Ventures (Badan Pengelola Usaha Akademik/BPUA). With the brand of Brawijaya Language Centre (BLC), the Unit was established by Rector’s Decree Number 5 Year of 2016 on January 2016. Dr. Sugeng Susilo Adi, M.Hum who is […]

Dealing with AEC, Lecturers are required to Have TOEFL 500 Minimally

388 applicants of Personnel (Lecturer) Recruitment with Employment Contract at University of Brawijaya (UB) joined in TOEFL test on Monday (22/Feb/2016). ITP equivalent (Institutional) TOEFL test, in addition to writing test and psycho test are a series of Subject Proficiency Test (Tes Kemampuan Bidang/TKB). TKB was organized after Basic Ability Test (Tes Kemampuan Dasar/TKD) that […]

UB Buka Tiga Prodi Baru Tahun Ini

Universitas Brawijaya akan membuka tiga program studi (prodi) baru dalam seleksi mahasiswa baru melalui jalur SNMPTN, SBMPTN, dan SPMK tahun 2016 ini. Demikian dikatakan oleh Wakil Rektor I Bidang Akademik Prof. Dr. Ir. Kusmartono, Jumat (19/2/2016). Dikatakan oleh WR I tiga prodi baru yang akan dibuka adalah kewirausahaan (FIA), instrumentasi (FMIPA), dan teknologi informasi (Filkom). […]

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