Category Archives: Berita UB

Director General of DIKTI’s Human Resources Visits UB

Campus in Indonesia is ideally envisioned to be international level campus. But the realization of this future goal depends on lecturer quality. This regard is delivered by Director General of Resources of Science Technology and Higher Education Ali Ghufron Mukti in his visit to University of Brawijaya on Saturday (27/Feb/2016) at Rectorate building University of […]

FT-UB Signs MoU with PT Terminal Teluk Lamong

Faculty of Engineering Universitas Brawijaya (FT-UB) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the most modern and leading shipping terminal company PT. Terminal Teluk Lamong. The signing of memorandum of understanding which become number one terminal in Asia, and number four worldwide,  held in the Prof. Ir. Suryono Auditorium on Monday (29/Feb/2016). The signing of […]

Nine Faculties Enliven ON MIPA UB 2016

Nine faculties at University of Brawijaya join in to enliven National Olympiad of Science (Olimpiade Nasional Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam/ONMIPA) 2016. The nine are Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Veterinary Program and Faculty […]

Challenges on Qualified and Efficient Health Services

Fulfillment and requirement of prevalent specialist doctor numbers is a need and government’s program. This regard was delivered by Dean of Faculty of Medicine University of Brawijaya (FK UB) Dr. dr. Sri Andarini, M.Kes in the procession of Specialist Doctor Inauguration, Friday (26/Feb/2016) at FK UB’s Educational Centre Building. In her remarks, the Dean expected […]

Student Activity Unit of Religious Art to Hold a National Level Gebyar Brawijaya Qur’ani III

National level Gebyar Brawijaya Qur’ani (GBQ) III that is one of working programs of Student Activity Unit (Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa/UKM) Religious Art University of Brawijaya (UB) symbolically is officially opened by Vice Rector III of Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. Arief Prajitno, MS on Friday (26/Feb/2016) at Samantha Krida UB by beating the drum. Delivered […]

A.S.A.P Smart Device, Dirty Air Filter Created by FILKOM Student

Driven to give solution on haze matter that happened almost every year due to forest fires in Kalimantan and Sumatera area, student of Faculty of Computer Science University of Brawijaya (FILKOM UB) creates a smart device that functioned to filter dirty air and named as Automatic Sedot Asap Polusi (A.S.A.P). A.S.A.P. creator, Five Computer System […]

Good Luck, Apatte 62 Brawijaya Team!

Energy Efficient Car Team of Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FT-UB) Apatte 62 Brawijaya, will bring the alma mater at the prestigious competition, Shell Eco Marathon Asia (SEM) in 2016, which will be held in Manila, Philippines, 3-6 March 2016. Apatte 62 Brawijaya Team formally sent off on the 6th floor of […]

Animal Husbandry Lecturer Gives Training on Yoghurt Production

A lecturer of Cattle Product Technology Faculty of Animal Husbandry University of Brawijaya, Dr. Ir. Purwadi, MS along with his team give training on manufacture of yoghurt into University of Brawijaya’s Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP UB) Ladies at first floor of Building II Faculty of Animal Husbandry University of Brawijaya, Tuesday (23/Feb/2016). The training is […]

UB’s Young Economist: Education and Business World Should be integrated

University of Brawijaya’s young economist, Dias Satria, SE., M.App.Ec, PhD mentioned that the Greater Malang City could become a city with high competitiveness if education and business world are integrated. “Connectivity becomes issue need to be developed. It is like Switzerland. Switzerland is a city with high competitiveness since able to integrate amid education and […]

Painting Art Themed Cellophane Tape and Scribble Art, UB Student’s Unique Work

Started from his interest engaged in painting world, Erwin Saputra grows to be a youth who is able to perform his creativity through unique works amid society. The final year student of Fine Art Department Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Brawijaya (FIB UB) indeed has a talent since he was a kid. His works […]

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