Category Archives: Berita UB

Substantial Writing Test for Lecturer with Employment Contract

After join in TOEFL test and interview, lecturer with employment contract participants at University of Brawijaya (UB) then joined in substantial writing test on Tuesday (1/Mar/2016). The three were summarized in Subject Ability Test (Tes Kemampuan Bidang/TKB). Followed by 383 participants, the event located at Pertamina Sport Hall. Evi Hayati, S.Ag., M.AB, Sub-Division Head of […]

Dozens of Favorite Senior High Schools Join in BET 2016

Brawijaya English Tournament 2016 has organized for two days, Saturday-Sunday (27-28/Feb/2016) at Deanery’s Hall Faculty of Engineering University of Brawijaya (FT-UB). The annual competition organized by Students Activities Unit (Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa/UKM) FORMASI (Forum Mahasiswa Studi Bahasa Inggris) for the fifth times invite Senior High Schools all over Indonesia. A Steering Committee Ahmad Giannuhlihi mentioned, […]

Malang and Jombang Students Champion MTQ at GBQ III

The third national level of Gebyar Brawijaya Qur’ani (GBQ III) that organized for three days, officially closed on Sunday night (28/Feb/2016) at Samantha Krida building University of Brawijaya (UB). The closing ceremony was officially closed by Vice Rector III Prof. Dr. Ir. Arief Prajitno, MS who attended along with principal board University of Brawijaya (UB). […]

KIM’s Delegates Make Achievements in the Earth’s Equator

Not for the first time, Student’s Scientific Work Faculty of Animal Husbandry University of Brawijaya (KIM Fapet UB) brings achievements from national level competitions. The current achievement was inscribed from Student Scientific Writing Competition (Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah/LKTI) , Chemistry subject competition (Lomba Bidang Studi Kimia/LBSK). LBSK is a program organized by Chemistry Student Association […]

UB Sends Delegates at HNMUN 2016

Founded in 1955, a decade after the United Nations (UN) was established, Harvard National Model United Nations (HNMUN) is the biggest, the oldest and the most prestigious conference in the globe. Fully managed by Harvard College students, HNMUN facilitates more than 3,000 students around the world to simulate the UN’s events. HNMUN offers a unique […]

Delegation of the 9th Scientific Atmosphere

As many as 16 delegates of Faculty of Medicine University of Brawijaya (FK-UB) joined in Scientific Atmosphere event series organized by “Hipocrates” scientific group Faculty of Medicine Udayana University on 11th-14th February 2016. The 16 delegates originated from 6 competition branches including literature review, research abstract competition, scientific poster (2 groups), public poster, educational essay […]

FK-UB’s Basketball Team Champions the 2016 Solo Medical Cup

In February, precisely on 4th and 5th February 2016, the men and women basketball team delegates of the Faculty of Medicine University of Brawijaya (FK-UB) departed to join in annual event so-called Solo Medical Cup 2016 that organized by Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta (FK-UNS). Play as the opening match, FK-UB’s men […]

FK-UB’s Contingents Grab 2 Titles at the 2016 SRF

Student contingent from Faculty of Medicine University of Brawijaya (FK-UB) re-carve achievement in national level, after being declared as finalist in annual national scientific competition so-called “Scripta Research Festival 2016” organized at Faculty of Medicine University of North Sumatera Medan. In SRF event series that convened for five days, started from 29th January until 2nd […]

FK-UB Brings Home 2 Awards from the 4th IMSS

Faculty of Medicine University of Brawijaya (FK-UB) this year brought home 2 awards from ISMKI (Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia/Indonesian Bonding of Medical Student Senate) in the event so-called the 4th Indonesian Medical Student Summit (IMSS) that is organized for the fourth times. This year, IMSS located at Sultan Agung Islamic University, Semarang, Central Java. […]

Kompas-UB Talks the Sparkling Property Business in the Greater Malang

Property business in Malang City is dominated with high communities in urban areas. If there are more developers who targeting the suburbs for low-income communities, the more will enliven the area. This regard is delivered by Umang Gianto, Board-area Head of Indonesian Real Estate of Malang in the event so-called Bincang Kompas, Friday (26/Feb/2016) at […]

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