The unsynchronized Brawijaya University student database system becomes the reason why Lembaga Pengembangan Pendidikan dan Penjaminan Mutu (Institution of Education Development and Quality Control/LP3M) held a Student Database System Workshop on Monday (3/Apr/2017) on the 4th floor of UB Common Service Building. Head of LP3M UB Prof. Dr. Munawar, SE., DEA said that there is […]
Team that represented the Faculty of Computer Sciences (FILKOM) with two Computer Science Program student as member won the second place on University of Brawijaya Debate Championship (UBDC) 2017 which final was being held for two days (2-3/4/2017). They are Muh. Batara Mulya (2016) and Muh. Fauzi (2013). Batara and Fauzi’s debate team managed to […]
Laboratorium Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Brawijaya (FISIP UB) menggelar acara “Bedah Buku” dengan tema “Angkot dan Bis Minangkabau, Budaya Pop dan Nilai – Nilai Budaya Pop”. Acara ini diisi oleh Prof. David Reeve dari Asosiasi University of South Wales, sekaligus sebagai koordinator ACICIS Australia. Dalam acara tersebut Reeve menyampaikan uniknya […]
Unit of Career and Entrepreneurship Development (Unit Pengembangan Karir dan Kewirausahaan/UPKK), previously Job Placement Center (JPC), held a socialization event in Wednesday (5/4/2017) in H1.6 Building of Faculty of Computer Science of Brawijaya University (Fakultas Ilmu Komputer/Filkom UB). UPKK’s socialization event was attended by dozens of Filkom students. In this event, Dra. Sri Wardhani, M.Si […]
Need of fish for the community to fulfill balanced nutrition requirement is very important. Because of this development of freshwater fishery industry needs to be accelerated. Water quality is one of the important factors in aquaculture industry because the water ecosystem life depends on the water quality. Fulfilling water quality standard is not easy because […]
Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Brawijaya’s (FCS-UB) Japanese Team has achieved a Champion of 15th Kanji Cup for National Level. A team from FCS UB got the first winner in both categories are Amaliya Akhsani from Japanese Literature Study Program (2016) grabbed 1st winner Shokyu Level or Basic Level (individual) and Fahmi Nahindri and Robertus Yulianto from Japanese Literature […]
Local Committee 55 held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for the briefing and finalization in the event of new student admission via Joint Selection for State University Entrance (Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/SBMPTN) 2017, Tuesday (4/4/2017). The event held in Majapahit 2 Room in Malang Santika Premier Hotel was attended by a local committee […]
Prof M. Bisri, the rector, hopes that University of Brawijaya’s (UB) internal data can be organized and updated, he said at the Meeting of Higher Education Database Reporting (PDPT) on Saturday (1/4/2017). Bisri explained that at this time there are many obsolete data from the faculties, for example, the number of lecturers. This will, of […]
Agrivita as Brawijaya University’s iconic journal in international academic community is continuously developing strategies to raise the university to be more globally well-known. One that is being done by the redaction team such as preparing special-issue publication in 2017. Special issue which being initiated this year in collaboration with several researchers of Japanese Forest Society. […]
Information System Major in University of Brawijaya’s Computer Sciences Faculty (FILKOM UB) held a Learning Evaluation Workshop and Test Item Development for two days (31/3/2017-1/4/2017). Herman Tolle, Dr. Eng., S.T, M.T as the Head of Information System Major of FILKOM UB said that this activity aims to increase lecturer’s competence and improving evaluation standards of […]