Animal Husbandry students of Brawijaya University again lifted the name of their faculty and university. Since they were successful to grab the first and third champion in a scientific writing competition held by Animal Husbandry Student Association of Tribhuwana Tungga Dewi University (HMPT UNITRI) Malang. The event that was conducted on Sunday (01/Apr/2018) was in […]
KORPRI (Korps Pegawai Republik Indonesia/Employee Corps of the Republic of Indonesia) of Brawijaya University organized football championship over the age of 50 years old. The annual event is currently followed by four teams and is conducted every Saturdays (7-21/Apr/2018) on UB’s football field Campus II Dieng. The four teams that follow the event namely Brawijaya […]
Astra 1st Education Program from PT. Astra International, Tbk is one of the favorite scholarship programs eagerly awaited by quite a lot of undergraduate students in Indonesia. Not only do they get educational funding, students also have the opportunity to get self development and training programs to face the working world. They will get it […]
The team of Aero Techno Boat (AT-B) from the Faculty of Engineering Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB) again managed to gain the achievement in World Invention Technology Exhibition (WINTEX) 2018 on 12–13 March 2018. Led by Yusril Fatahilmi (Electrical Engineering 2016), Ubaid Ikbar Najib Nur Fauzi (Electrical Engineering 2016), Elok Paikoh (Agriculture 2015), Nilam Izzatul Atqa Zain […]
PWI (Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia/Indonesian Journalist Association) held a discussion in a theme of “Political Turbulence – Finding out Peaceful Solutions of Malang City”. Wawan Sobari S.IP, MA, PhD, the Head of Master’s Program on Social Science at Faculty of Social and Political Science Brawijaya University (Fisip UB) was the presenter in the openly public discussion. […]
Master of Communication Science Faculty of Social and Political Science Brawijaya University (Fisip UB) held a Thesis Short Course in order to improve the quality of thesis writing for its postgraduate students. The event is a forum for students of Master on Communication Science to acquire education and briefing on thesis making. Moderated by Verdy […]
Opole University delegates, Stankomir Nicieja, PhD who concern for Semiotics and Cinematography attended two guest lectures in Communication Science Faculty of Social and Political Science Brawijaya University (Fisip UB) on Wednesday (04/Apr/2018) at Nuswantara Auditorium Fisip UB. Stankomir who presented a guest lecture on Semiotics delivered that Malang is a comfortable city for him. He […]
Opole University again sending its delegates to Faculty of Social and Political Science Brawijaya University to establish cooperation with Brawijaya University (UB). Recently they invited Vice Rector of Opole University Prof. Janusz Slodczyk of which his expertise is in Economics, on Wednesday (04/Apr/2018). Took place in Hall of 7B floor of the faculty, Prof. Janusz […]
As many as 140 Brawijaya University (UB) contract workers join in Basic Education and Training on Employee Affairs (P2DK) stage 1 year of 2018. P2DK is a mandatory step that is mandatory to be followed by contract workers to switch their status to become a permanent staff. “The event is important I think because as […]
Apprehensive conditions of Syrian and Palestinian refugees in Jordan becomes a major concern of Brawijaya University (UB). UB has committed to pay attention to issues like humanities, global peace and refugee problems. One of UB’s concerns on the problems is manifested in the form of humanity aids of which is especially provided for refugees. The […]