Category Archives: Berita UB

Towards Accreditation, Two Journals of Faculty of Agricultural Technology are DOAJ Indexed

Two journals at Faculty of Agricultural Technology Brawijaya University, namely JTP (Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian) dan Industria are DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) indexed starts July 2018. With the entry of both at DOAJ indexation is another readiness step towards accreditation. Besides DOAJ indexed, JTP and Industria’s editor delegates were chanced to join in a workshop titled “2018 Management […]

Industrial Engineering Students Introduce Local Pocket Coffee

Ground coffee has its own place in the hearts of coffee lovers because it has a thick and strong flavor. But in the brewing process, ground coffee leave a residue that for some people can lessen their enjoyment when drinking coffee. Therefore, four students of Industrial Engineering Universitas Brawijaya (TI-UB) introduce Grinder Pocket Coffee. Ground […]

Lecturers of Japanese Literature Study Program FCS UB as the Presenters in International Seminar

Four lecturers of the Japanese Literature Study Program, Department of Languages and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) became the presenters in International Seminar in Surabaya. They are Ismatul Khasanah, M.Ed., Ph.D., Dra. Ismi Prihandarai, M.Hum., Santi Andayani, M.A., and Hamdan Nafiatur Rosyida., M.Si. They presented their research results, such as Ismatul […]

World Class Visiting Professor to Italia and Japan by Prof. Fatchiyah

One of programs to improve world rankings conducted by Brawijaya University is World Class Visiting professor which is well known as three in one program. Via Three-in-one, study programs are chanced to invite professors or professional practitioners from outside of Brawijaya University either locals or overseas. Many lecturers/researchers in professor and doctorate degree are more […]

Nursing Students Win Gold at Malaysia Technology Expo 2018

Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) 2018 is annual international event which has been conducted since 2001. The event accommodated inventors and innovators to publish their works. As one of the most influential invention and innovation based event in Asia, this year the event was followed by 500 inventions, 150 exhibitors, and 8,000 visitors from several participating […]

Harvesting Water from Conservative Village

Sub-surface drainage is often made to overcome surface runoff discharge in case of flooding inundation. But the development of this subsurface drainage technology can be developed as a water conservation model. This innovation can be realized if this technology is used to accommodate springs abundant and used for fish farming so that it caused an […]

Selection of 2018 Outstanding Lecturers and Staffs

As many as 52 lecturers and staffs at Brawijaya University were selected to join in Selection of 2018 Outstanding Lecturers and Staffs. This selection was based on circular letter released by Director General on Resources of Science Technology and Higher Education Institutions Number 97/D2/KP/2018 about Selection of 2018 Outstanding Lecturer and Staffs aimed at all […]

Workshop on HOTS for Japanese Language Teachers MGMP Malang

Japanese Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) has conducted a workshop on HOTS Japanese Language Workshop for MGMP Teachers in Malang. This activity is based on students’ complaint of National Examination. According to Mendikbud, it is true there are levels of difficulty in UNBK. This is because there are […]

Nabu, Beras Artifisial untuk Atasi Kelaparan Karya Mahasiswa FTP

Mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya(UB)Malang, lolos kompetisi pangan Dunia lewat Beras Analog yang berbahan pangan lokal sagu, jagung dan umbi porang. Produk dengan merek NABU diciptakan untuk mengatasi kelaparan dan meningkatnya jumlah kebutuhan beras di Indonesia.Tim yang terdiri dari Alfisah Nur Annisa A., Widya nur habiba, Annisa Aurora Kartika, Joko Tri Rubiyanto dan Bagas Teja kusuma dengan […]

130 Peserta ikuti Seleksi Masuk Non Akademik UB

Sebanyak 130 peserta mengikuti seleksi masuk UB lewat jalur Prestasi Non Akademik, Selasa (17/7/2018). 130 peserta seleksi terbagi menjadi 30 cabang sesuai dengan prestasi peserta. Seleksi dilaksanakan di UB Sport Center, Lapangan Rektorat, Gedung Widyaloka, Lapangan UB Kampus II Dieng, GOR Pertamina UB, Gedung Rektorat dan Stadion Gajayana. Ketua Pelaksana Seleksi Non Akademik Dr. Ir. […]

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