Category Archives: Arsip


Dioniso Soares Babo: Education is the Key of East Timor Human Resources Development

As a country in developing its human resources, East Timor recently tries to improve education for its people. Education sector is not only becomes priority, but able to form mindset of the society that later will give real contribution for the advancement of the nation. This regard delivered by H.E. Mr. Dionisi Soares Babo, PhD […]

Super Paper of UB’s Students work Grabs Award in Korea

Students of Faculty of Natural Sciences University of Brawijaya successfully to grab creative inventor award from Korea Invention News (KINEWS). The award is given ti Hadiatullah team in the event named Korea Inventor Award Festival (KIAF) 2015 at Best Western Premier Seoul Garden Hotel, Seoul, South Korea, Sunday (13/Dec/2015). The students that consists of Hadiatullah, […]

Sediakan Jalur Penyandang Difabel dan Taman Selfie

Dua mahasiswa jurusan Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik UB ini Agus Sulistio dan Faizah Tri Rakhmawati. Mereka bersaing melawan peserta lain, untuk menjadi yang terbaik dalam sayembara yang diadakan dinas Pengairan Kabupaten Malang bersama menata Sempadan Saluran Molek sesuai dengan kaidah lingkungan.

Care about History, This FISIP Student has Unique Way

In order to put caring about history especially ancient manuscript, a FISIP UB student Verdy Firmantoro organizes it in unique way. In addition to have caring action titled “Civilizations sold” by Volunteers Care History, Verdy Firmantoro as the Chairman initiated to provide six ancient manuscripts donated from the collector of ancient manuscripts, Erwin Dian Rosyidi, […]

Faculty of Law Students Study at PT. Perkebunan Dagang dan Gambar

The organizing of Excursion Study of Agrarian Class students Faculty of Law University of Brawijaya Malang to PT. Perkebunan Dagang dan Gambar in Blitar Regency, Tuesday (22/Dec/2015) ran smoothly and successfully. The Faculty of Law troupe consists of Agrarian Law lecturer (Prof. Dr. Suhariningsih, SH., SU; Imam Koeswahyono, SH., MH; M. Hamini Masykur, SH., M.Kn […]

Bercerminlah pada Tiga Ukuran

Kalau ada demokrasi terpimpin, pilkada serentak kali ini bisa jadi contoh. para kandidat tidak bisa lagi semau-maunya menjual dirinya. Kampanye dijatah, bahkan dibiayai KPU. Gambar kandidat tidak bisa berpencar-pencar, tetapi selalu berbarengan kemana-mana. Iklan di media elektronik, seperti radio, juga berurutan sesuai nomor urut undian. Jor-joran berdasar kuat-kuatan dana yang jadi alasan KPU membiayai kampanye […]

Keindahan Pulau Samosir, Pulau Kepingan Surga Dipamerkan di UB

Eksekutif Mahasiswa UB menyelenggarakan kampung budaya yang berlangsung kemarin dan hari ini. Acara dibuka dengan pawai budaya dari masing-masing forum daerah (forda) yang ada di UB. Chasley Jorell, ketua pelaksana kampung budaya menjelaskan kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 42 forda dari 19 provinsi.

Student Election Result of TIIK 2015

Student election at Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM) 2015 or abbreviated as “Pemilwa TIIK 2015) to choose President and Vice President of Executive Agency and also Student Representative Council (Dewan Perwakilan Mahasiswa/DPM) has been successfully organized on Tuesday (22/Dec/2015). By lifting the spirit of independent, synergy, democratic, educative and normative (INSIDEN), in recent Pemilwa TIIK, […]

Lulusan Vokasi Jangan Minder dengan Sarjana

Badan Akreditasi Nasional (BAN) Perguruan Tinggi Vokasi untuk melakukan penguatan di berbagai program, yang terkait persyaratan sertifikasi prodi dan institusi. seperti diungkapkan Prof. SM Widyastuti anggota Majelis BAN PT. Menurutnya persyaratan akreditasi sama dengan PT umum karena banyak pembaharuan-pembaharuan yang terjadi. Disisi lain, pendidikan vokasi saat ini masih dipandang sebelah mata oleh beberapa pihak.

Show off Their Excellent Products, FILKOM’s Booth is the Best at Expo UB 2015

Excellent product exhibition booth of Faculty of Computer Science selected as the best booth in the expo and open house event at University of Brawijaya (UB) 2015. The event organized as one of the 53rd UB’s anniversary event series. In the event convened for two days (21-22/Dec/2015), all the faculties and working units at UB […]

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