Category Archives: Akademik


Prospective Student Admission for FIA International Class

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences opens opportunities for prospective students who have passed the entrance selection (SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and Mandiri) to take part in the International Class selection. The study programs offered are Business Administration and Public Administration. Registration of International Class Selection Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya If you want to get more […]

340 East Java High School Teachers Join the Socialisation of SelMa UB

A total of 340 High Schools (SMA / SMK / MA / MAK) teachers in East Java participated in the socialization of UB entrance route which was held virtually on Wednesday (20/1/2021). Vice Rector I for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Aulani’am, drh.DES., Said that UB tries to provide additional information about the complete student admission […]

FCS UB Held Student Outbound Activities with Miyazaki University and Kyonggi University

The Study Program of Japanese Language Education (SPJLE) of Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held Student Outbound activities with Mizayaki University from Japan and Kyonggi University from Korea entitled MOP (Mizayaki Oasis Project) on Tuesday (1/12/2020). This activity was held online through the Zoom platform which was attended by 20 students of […]

Red Fruit Pasta as Fat Substitutes in Patty Burger

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Patty burger is a restructured meat product, it is added with animal fat in the formula to reconstruct the texture, add juiciness, and give it a distinctive aroma. Generally, in making burger patties using animal fats, which mostly contain saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. Which can trigger […]

FTP Achieved 4 Awards of UBAQA 2020

The Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya (FTP-UB) won four awards at the same time in the 2020 annual awards event, Universitas Brawijaya Annual Quality Award (UBAQA). The award for the work unit with the best service was announced at the 58th Anniversary of Universitas Brawijaya Open Meeting with the President of the Republic of […]

Displaying the Result of Academician Innovations, UB Launches Virtual Innovation Expo

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) launches Virtual Innovation Expo 2021. This launching was held in coinciding with the 58th Anniversary of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Open Meeting which was held online on Tuesday (5/1/2021). UB Virtual Innovation Expo is an exhibition that displays the results and products of innovation by all UB academicians, and is the first virtual […]

The Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Makarim gave speech at the 58th UB Anniversary Open Meeting

To produce excellent graduates, universities must have the courage to disrupt themselves so that they are more adaptive, flexible, and oriented towards the future. And the best way to do this is to provide opportunities for students to gain meaningful experiences in the world of work while still being students. This was conveyed by the […]

Fapet UB dan BPTU HPT Sembawa Implement the Independent Learning Program

Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Universitas Brawijaya (Fapet UB) collaborates with the Center for Superior Animal Breeding and Forage (BPTU HPT) Sembawa, South Sumatra. The agreement letter was signed by Prof. Suyadi (Dean) and Bagong Kusminandar, S.Pt (Head of the BPTU – HPT Sembawa Hall), Tuesday (22/1 2/2020). The contents of the agreement that will be […]

CATAS Cooperates with UB in the Field of Plant Pest and Disease Management

The Scientific Conference was held online on December 10, 2020 between CATAS, Universitas Brawijaya and Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang, Republic of China. Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (CATAS) China collaborates with Universitas Brawijaya (UB) in Management of Spice Plant Pests and Diseases. The collaboration is realized in the form of professor and researcher exchanges, […]

Increasing Corn Production with Hydroponic and Aquaponic System from the Side of Agronomy

The main feed ingredient for ruminants is forage because it can optimize the function of rumen (stomach). However, the availability of forage is running low due to limited land. One of the efforts to overcome this problem is by using hydroponic cultivation techniques that can be done using plant seeds. As well as applying aquaponic […]

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