Government Regulation (PP) Number 57 of 2021 concerning National Education Standards which does not mention Pancasila and Bahasa Indonesia Education as compulsory subjects in the higher education curriculum becomes a polemic. Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Makarim has released an official statement and confirmed that he will propose a revision of the regulation regarding […]
After succeeding in the PERMATA SAKTI Program, this time UB is ready to hold an Independent Student Exchange 2021. The Independent Student Exchange is part of the Independent Learning, Independent Campus Program (MBKM) student exchange program initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. drh. Aulanni’am, DES said, […]
The Center for Disability Services Studies, Universitas Brawijaya (PSLD UB) in collaboration with La Trobe University Melbourne, Australia, holds training on inclusive education for teachers, educators and people with disabilities. The activity is carried out online for seven days (13 / 4-29 / 4/2021). Secretary of the Center for Disability Services Studies, Wahyu Widodo, M.Hum, […]
For the well implementation of UTBK, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) provides two shuttle bus for the exam participants. The shuttle bus will take the participants to the test location according to the predetermined drop zone. The Facilities and Infrastructure Division of UB, Huda explained that there are five drop zones provided which are drop zone 1 […]
The Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji and Deputy Chair of Commission X DPR RI, Dede Yusuf reviewed the Computer-Based Writing Examination (UTBK) 2021 Joint Selection for State Universities (SBMPTN) at Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Tuesday (12/04/2021). The visit, which was held in the Faculty of Administration building, was accepted by the Rector and UB leaders. […]
A total of 17,204 participants with a total of 8,526 saintek, 7,935 soshum, and blend of 743 participated in UTBK-SBMPTN activities which were held in two waves. First wave on 12 / 4-18 / 4/2021. Second wave on 26 / 4-2 / 4/2021. From the total participants, two participants are deaf and blind who take […]
Commission X of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) visits Universitas Brawijaya (UB). The visit was in the context of discussing the Draft Law (RUU) related to the Practice of Psychology. The visit was led by Syaiful Huda along with nine other members. The process of deliberating the draft law […]
Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FISIP UB) reached the final stage in the process of getting an improvement in the study program accreditation that previously received a B grade, Thursday (1/4/2021). This online visitation puts forward the health protocol, where the parties involved in this process consisting of […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has not had a significant impact on the agricultural sector. The agricultural sector is still needed, especially for consumption. That was said by UB Food Security Expert, Dr. Sujarwo, S.P., M.P., In a Casual Talk with Reporters or (Bonsai), Tuesday (30/3/2021). “The agricultural sector is not really affected by the pandemic. Because […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Universitas Brawijaya (UB) kukuhkan Prof. Dr. Ir. Ludji Pantja Astuti, MS, sebagai Profesor bidang Ilmu Hama Pasca Panen. menjadi profesor aktif ke-41 dari Fakultas Pertanian dan Profesor aktif ke-195 di UB, serta menjadi Profesor ke-278 dari seluruh Profesor yang telah dihasilkan UB, Sabtu (20/03/2021) di Gedung Samanta […]