Category Archives: Akademik


FILKOM UB Welcomes More than 800 New Students for Academic Year of 2021/2022, Welcome to the Blue Campus!

Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya (FILKOM UB) welcomes approximately 804 new students in the 2021/2022 Academic Year. This reception was carried out at the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PK2MABA) FILKOM UB 2021 which was held online through zoom application on August 21 – 22 2021. The first day of the PK2MABA […]

FCS UB Welcomes 950 Freshmen

The Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) for several times welcomes the acceptance of freshmen. The Introduction of Campus Life to freshmen for the 2021/2022 Academic Year event was divided into two sessions, namely Education Orientation, which was held on Saturday (8/21/2021), and Student Orientation, which was held on Sunday (8/22/2021). The event […]

UB Accepts 1.723 Postgraduate New Students

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) officially accepts 1,723 new students of Postgraduate Program, Thursday (19/08/2021). Still in the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, this activity was held online led by the Rector, and attended by the vice Rectors, Deans of faculties, and leaders of UB Postgraduate Program. The Education and Student Orientation (ORDIK) activity for postgraduate students […]

Workshop “Equalizing Perception in Developing Agricultural Clinic Design”

Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Brawijaya held a Workshop “Equalizing Perceptions in Developing Agricultural Clinic Design”, Sunday (15/8/2021). This event was attended by participants from the agricultural instructor profession, academics, students, farmers, and entrepreneurs/agricultural observers with a total of 240 participants who registered. The workshop was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. […]

Dean of FILKOM Officially Announces the Kick Off KKN

The Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya officially opens the KKN Filkom UB Kick Off event, Tuesday (3/8/2021). Since it is still in a pandemic atmosphere, KKN activities are carried out online to protect the students’ health and safety also the public from COVID-19 transmission. The Kick Off event was carried out […]

PERSADA UB Held Workshop on Forensic Linguistic and Forensic Psychology

The Center of Criminal Justice System Research Development (PERSADA UB) held a workshop on Forensic Linguistics and Forensic Psychology on Saturday (7/8/2021). This activity aims to provide knowledge for practitioners, legal academics, and other researchers related forensic science. Remind that the application of Forensic Linguistics and Forensic Psychology can assist the criminal justice process related […]

PETBIODEGREE, an Innovation Tool for PET Plastic Waste Degradation

Plastic waste is quite crucial problem for humans, especially Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) waste which is generally found in the form of single-use drinking bottles. The increasing amount of plastic waste causes problems for the environment. Plastic waste takes up to 80 years to decompose that causing serious problems. Based on these problems, five students of […]

Strengthening the Implementation of MBKM, FTP UB Collaborates with 63 Universities troughout Indonesia

Witnessed by the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani, AR. MS and the Head of Indonesian Professors Association (API), Prof. Ari Purbayanto, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology Universitas Brawijaya (FTP UB), Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, MP signed an online agreement with 63 universities throughout Indonesia on Thursday (05/08/2021). In […]

FKPT Webinar – TPI Series 1 Dean’s Talk

The Communication Forum for Higher Education – Indonesian Agricultural Technology (FKPT-TPI) held a Webinar Series 1 Dean’s Talk entitled “The Development of Local Resource-based Food Production Innovation in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 Towards Global Competitiveness” Thursday (05/08/2021) The activity, which was held in collaboration with FKPT-TPI, FTP UB, FTP UGM, FATETA IPB and FAPERTA […]

UB and UNPAD Held National Discussion on Archivist Performance Assessment

UB and UNPAD held a national discussion entitled Performance Assessment of Functional Archivist on Saturday, (31/7/2021). This activity is carried out online using zoom application which is officially opened by the Dean of FISIP UB, Dr. Sholih Mu’adi, SH., M.Si,. In his speech, Sholih really appreciated this activity. He said that the role of archivists […]

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