Category Archives: Akademik


The Story of FISIP Student; Meeting Politicians to Country Officials

Viona Angel Gloryka Sianturi is a student at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences who had the opportunity to do an internship at the Presidential Staff Office. This opportunity began with his interest in working in a government environment, she also tried to take part in an internship program organized by the Presidential Staff […]

Prosesi Pengambilan Sumpah Dokter Hewan Baru FKH UB

FKH Inaugurates 112 New Veterinarians

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya held the 16th Period of Inauguration and Oath Taking of Veterinarians. In this procession, 112 new Veterinarians were sworn in offline and online on Thursday (26/01/2023) at Samantha Krida Building. Present representing the Rector, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Aulanni’am, drh. DES states that veterinarians are […]

The Story of Two Students of Health Science in Malaysia: Learning to Deal with Patients

Last October 2022, two students from the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya had the opportunity to take part in the International Credit Transfer program. For one semester, Hasnikmatullah Suprabekty and Khodijah Salahuddin had the opportunity to attend lectures at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) until mid-February. Being a foreign campus provides a new […]

Through DOKAR, Three FEB Lecturers Teach in Malaysia Campus

The “DOKAR” or Lecturer Works Program from Universitas Brawijaya in 2022 has delivered three senior lecturers at the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, to become guest lecturers and professors at one of the tertiary institutions in Malaysia. For several days, Nurkholis.,Ph.D.,Ak.,CA., Yeney Widya Prihatiningtias, DBA., and Mirna Amirya, PhD., became lecturers at […]

UB Releases 92 Inbound PMM2 Students

After participating in the learning process for one semester (equivalent to 20 credits), Universitas Brawijaya officially released the second year of Independent Student Exchange (PMM) inbound students, Saturday (18/12). This PMM activity is part of the Independent Learning program which aims to strengthen and explore the diversity of the archipelago in order to improve academic […]

Benchmarking Mini Hospital

Implementation of DOKAR, UB Nursing Collaborates with St. Paul University Philippines

One of the implementations of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education is to carry out the role of higher education institutions as agents of reform, pioneers and disseminators of science, technology, arts and humanities. This principle is carried out by the Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, through the Lecturer Works program […]

FK UB Lecturers and Students Study Technology and Environment in Miyazaki

Busyness is not a barrier to increase knowledge. This was demonstrated by 11 people from the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya who had just completed the Sakura Science Exchange Program at the University of Miyazaki, Miyazaki, Japan. For ten days, program participants consisting of lecturers and students had the opportunity to take part in various […]

Three Keys to Earthquake Resistant Buildings According to UB Lecturer

Being in an area surrounded by volcanoes and surrounded by various faults, makes Indonesia vulnerable to natural disasters, especially earthquakes, which claim many victims, both material and injured, and even death. Preparedness for earthquake mitigation must start as early as possible, one of which is the preparation of earthquake-resistant buildings. Earthquake resistant buildings, according to […]

Lecturer of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry Provides Assistance in Improving Breeding and Feeding Management of Joper Chicken

Native chicken is Indonesian local chicken which rearing is released freely and is not mass-cultivated for commercial purposes so that the chicken meat produced is healthier because it is not contaminated with chemicals used for treatment or administration of vitamins. The market demand for chicken meat is increasing but breeders have not been able to […]

UB Adds Two Professors in the Field of Energy

To increase the number and improve the quality of knowledge, Universitas Brawijaya once again held a professor inauguration procession. This time, the inaugurated professor was Dr. Eng. Mega Nur Sasongko, ST., MT and Dr. Eng. Widya Wijayanti, ST., MT. Mega is the 302nd Professor and Widya is the 303rd Professor at Universitas Brawijaya. Dr. Eng. […]

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