The Head of Donomulyo Sub-District Gives Advice to FILKOM UB Students before Conducting the KKN

Entering the 2nd (second) day of the Socialization and Briefing of the Real Work Lecture (KKN) Program in 2022, Tuesday (28/6/2022) the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya (FILKOM UB) presents leader in one of the sub-districts where the KKN program is intended, namely Mumuk Hadi Martono, S.H., M. Hum. as the Head of Donomulyo Sub-District, Malang Regency. Mumuk gave a complete explanation of the field conditions of FILKOM students’ goals to carry out KKN, especially in Donomulyo Sub-District area.

Starting the event, a special speech was given by the Dean of FILKOM UB, Prof. Ir. Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy, S.Si., MT., Ph.D. He expressed his gratitude for the willingness of the Head of Donomulyo Sub-District to provide a little direction and insight regarding the location of Donomulyo Sub-District to the students participating in the Community Service Program.

Alhamdulillah, many activities have been carried out offline this time, although we must continue to maintain health and implement health protocols. The most important thing in implementing KKN is that students can implement the knowledge gained on campus to the community in the village. How can this knowledge be conveyed to the community properly and easily understood by the community, “explained Prof. Wayan.

Prof. Wayan also hopes that this series of KKN debriefing activities can take place effectively so that the implementation of KKN runs well and it will leave knowledge that is impresses the community when they finished carrying out KKN tasks.

Then entering the main event, Mumuk gave a brief profile and social conditions of the people of Donomulyo Sub-District. This sub-district, which is located in southern Malang, is mostly mountainous and hilly, besides that it is also directly adjacent to the sea that leads to the Indian Ocean. In Donomulyo Sub-District itself there are also 10 villages with a population of approximately 85,000 people.

“Most of the residents in Donomulyo sub-district work in the plantation sector, some work as migrant workers. Later, the target of students who will carry out KKN is to help MSMEs and market products produced by the community online and digitally so that they can develop the economy of Donomulyo community, “said Mumuk.

According to Mumuk, in the modern era like today, it would be better if business actors, especially MSMEs, followed the times by changing marketing strategies using digital platforms since they could reach a wider target market and generate more income.

In addition to inviting the Head of Donomulyo Sub-district, FILKOM UB also invited Andina Paramita Sari, S.E., M.M. as the CEO of Ngalup Collaborative Network on the same day. Andina explained the Digital Branding Strategy in general to the students participating in the KKN 2022. According to Andina, digital branding or online branding is a procedure for building the identity of a product online using marketing channels available in the digital world. It aims to expand the reach of marketing, service and consumer demand.

“With digital branding, it will be easier for us to build interactions with customers, besides that it will make our brand or product easy to remember. With internet access that has reached many remote areas, it will expand your product marketing network,” explained Andina.

The debriefing activity which lasted for more than three hours ended with an interactive question and answer session with many enthusiastic students asking the presenters and speakers. Hopefully this activity will become additional knowledge and insight when carrying out KKN activities in the field later.[drn/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]