Businesia.co.id is a website-based platform aimed at assisting the process of managing business legality for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The platform is an initiative that emerged from the Community Service Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Brawijaya University (FEB UB)
Head of FEB UB Community Service Program, Nanang Suryadi, said, “We are proud to be able to contribute in encouraging more advanced MSMEs in Indonesia. “By providing easier access to business legality management services, we hope to help MSMEs to grow and develop.”
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia get much-needed assistance in managing the legality of their businesses through the Businesia.co.id website platform. As an effort to support the growth of the growing MSME sector, this platform has become an innovative and effective solution for small and medium entrepreneurs across the country.
Businesia.co.id, which is a product of FEB UB Community Service Program which is an important pillar in efforts to simplify and speed up the process of managing business legality for MSMEs. This platform focuses on ease and efficiency which enables small and medium entrepreneurs to process business permits in the form of NIB.
One of the important points of this service program is the provision of free Businesia.co.id services to MSMEs who are partners of FEB UB Community Service Program. With easier access, MSMEs can better understand and fulfill the legal requirements that apply in running their business.
Deputy Chair of the Service Program, Abdurrahman Hakim, explained, “We are committed to making a positive contribution to society and the business world in Indonesia. “With support from FEB UB Community Service Program, we can make the business legality process easier for MSMEs in Indonesia.”
This activity illustrates how education and business can work together to support the growth of the MSME sector in Indonesia. With this effort, it is hoped that more MSMEs will be able to overcome administrative obstacles and achieve success in the national economic.[Fadjrul/siti-rahma/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]