Age Now’s Mother Should be Technological Literate

Maulina Pia Wulandari's radio broadcasting at Mas FMMaulina Pia Wulandari, PhD a lecturer of Communication Science Faculty of Social and Political Science Brawijaya University, became a speaker in Inspirasi Pagi program at Radio Mas FM in International Women’s Day edition commemorated on 8 March in every year. In the talking session, a lecturer who is familiar calling as Pia mentioned that currently Mothers have great roles. In addition to increasing existing facilities, the challenges to confront also increasingly heavy.

Compared with ancient times, current mothers can express themselves easily. The number of information channels, places for hang out, freedom and working opportunity which are increasingly greater is several positive things can be utilized by current women.

But as the activity that owned, the current mothers are more frequently entrusted their children to their parents. Ease in activities sometime resulting higher concern to themselves.

In the 30-minute program, Pia explained that technology advancement should be able to be utilized by mothers for their self-development to a better way.  

Mothers should be technological literate so as they can balance and supervise their children.

“Age now’s children have more critical thinking, their brain volume also bigger compared with old times. Therefore, mothers should learn more to balance it,” she said.

Technology advancement can also be utilized by mothers to open a business opportunity. Such as Instagram. In addition to be used to share daily photos, It can utilized also to sell products that can increase family income. Media such as Youtube can also utilized by mothers to seek any tutorials for self-development.

When she was questioned whether she is included in Age Now’s mother, Pia answered although she is technology literate, she confessed still apply classical rules. In addition, she specialized Saturdays and Sundays as family time.

Pia also suggested that each husband and wife couple has their time alone without children. Although only spending a little time, it can increase family closeness and harmony.

In the end of the program, Pia gave several tips for Age Now’s mothers. The most important thing is become technological literate. Afterwards is becoming a person who is good for sharing and positioning themselves as a friend for children. In addition, should be caring with their surroundings. It is no less important is current mothers should be able to empower themselves, at least should increase their cleverness to solve problems in the family. The last is, a mother should have commitment and responsibility for what she has done. [Lita/Humas FISIP/Humas UB/trans. Denok]