Armed with writing skills, a Chemistry student at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) St. Shofiah Aghnani Alfi Laila Fq became a delegate representing Indonesia in the YSEALI (Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative) program held by the U.S Embassy.
The student who is usually called Shofiah passed the YSEALI AFP program in the autumn, and flew to the United States fully funded by the U.S. Department of State for five weeks, from September 17 to October 21, 2022.
“This started with a personal statement of 250 words that I wrote as a selection requirement. In my opinion, writing skills are the basic things that can bring me to various events,” said the student who is active in Student Research and Scientific Work UKM (RKIM).
Shofiah was placed at the University of Connecticut (Uconn) host institution located in the state of Connecticut. In this program, Shofiah learned about social entrepreneurship and had the opportunity to present about Indonesia in the Uconn open class together with other Indonesian delegates.
“Besides liking science and writing, I also have an interest in social entrepreneurship. So, I am interested in joining this program, “she said.
Shofiah conveyed that this program was initiated by Barack Obama for ASEAN citizens which was opened twice a year. This program consists of in-class learning, volunteering, study tours, and trips.
“This program does not only focus on social entrepreneurship, but also provides two other cohorts, namely civic engagement and environmental issues. In terms of leadership, it is also very insightful and implementable to be applied in the environment and social business in the future,” he said.
In terms of networking, Shofiah admitted that she made many new friends from 10 other ASEAN countries, as well as local students studying at Uconn.
“This program is perfect for friends who are active in the community and enthusiastic about making an impact in the future. The selection stages are also shorter and simpler when compared to other exchanges, namely the administrative selection and interview stages,” concluded the girl from Sumenep. [Sho/Irene/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]