Starting from UB, the Republic of Indonesia MPR Law will be Formed

The collaboration between FISIP Brawijaya University (UB) and the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR RI) is realized in the form of an academic text for the drafting of a Draft Law (RUU). Both parties held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Monday (11/13/2023) at Brawijaya University Guest House.

The Dean of FISIP UB, Prof. Anang Sujoko S.Sos., M.Si., D.COMM, said that the inauguration of the collaboration between FISIP and MPR RI was not just on paper but was immediately implemented.

“So we signed this MoA, not only about discourse, but we immediately implemented it, one of which was the formulation of an academic text regarding the MPR Bill,” he said.

In preparing this academic text, in the FGD FISIP UB also invited several other academics from various campuses in Malang such as Malang State University, Widyagama University, UIN Malang, UMM, Unisma and Wishnuwardana University.

According to Anang Sujoko, academics from other campuses were invited to enrich the scientific knowledge of various educational institutions.

“For example, FISIP UB and other campuses do not necessarily have exactly the same thinking. “So they are invited to further enrich the academic text regarding this MPR Bill,” he explained.

Anang proposed that the deliberation aspect in the MPR Bill be emphasized more because from the name alone the context of deliberation appears. Because according to him, in current democratic practice, more voting mechanisms are used.

“With this FGD, it will raise the dignity of the MPR as a people’s deliberative institution because that is the noble value of our predecessors,” he stressed.

Anang Sujoko said that the MPR Bill is necessary because the MPR’s duties are different from those of the DPR and DPD. As an institution with great authority, it needs to be regulated in a separate law.

“This academic text must be regulated by its own law since the authority is different from other institutions. “Of course, the law can carry out its function better and the regulations must be specific to the MPR itself,” said this professor in the field of media.

Meanwhile, Head of the Constitutional Review Bureau of the Secretariat General of MPR RI, Heri Herawan SH, said that so far MPR’s authority has only been regulated in the MD3 Law and the Population System.

“The regulations mention the MPR, DPR and DPD. “Even though these 3 state institutions have different authorities,” he said.

Heri gave the example of judicial institutions such as the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court having their own laws.

“That’s why it is also necessary for MPR, DPR and DPD to have their own laws,” he said.

Heri expressed the view that the authority of MPR RI which already exists in the Constitution could be discussed more technically in MPR law later.

“There is an implied authority that is not written, but it is also needed when MPR inaugurates the President, for example, usually it only based on a decision letter from the KPU. ” MPR is a higher institution than the one that was appointed, so it needs detailed regulations in the form of a law,” he stressed. (FISIP PR/OKY/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir)