PPK Ormawa of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (BEM FPIK UB) created a program to attract the attention of residents, namely a waste pick-up application called Trash to Treasure (T3) in Bedali Village. The Trash to Treasure application is one of a series of programs carried out by BEM FPIK entitled Rumah Sampah Digital Griya Adiwiyata. In the process of making the Trash to Treasure application, BEM FPIK succeeded in embracing FILKOM students as executors in making the application.
This application is a form of evaluation of the waste pick-up program that was previously carried out in Bedali Village by BEM FPIK UB. Head of PPK Ormawa BEM FPIK UB, Alyavera Febrianika said that last year the waste pick-up program experienced two main obstacles, namely data collection on the type of waste and the weight of the waste.
In the process of implementing it, BEM FPIK and the Bedali Village community also experienced difficulties in determining the waste collection schedule.
“An example of our difficulty is, if residents have been advised of the waste collection schedule, not all residents collect the waste, while when many residents ask for their waste to be collected, at the same time we are the ones who are unable to attend,” said Alyavera Febrianika stating.
The solution offered by BEM FPIK UB is the Trash to Treasure (T3) Application which has two superior features. Each feature has two different benefits, the first is waste collection, the second is the educational feature for waste processing and utilization.

The initial waste collection will be carried out by members of PPK Ormawa BEM FPIK UB team, which will then be carried out by the villagers themselves after socialization and guidance have been held.
Before the waste is collected by the team, residents are expected to sort the waste first according to the type of waste. In the process, socialization will be carried out so that independent waste sorting becomes a village culture.
“With this method, we hope that independent waste sorting according to its type (organic and inorganic waste) can become a culture for Bedali Village residents,” said Alyavera Febrianika.
One of the interesting features in the T3 Application is that every time a resident deposits waste, they will get points. The amount of points will be assessed based on the type and weight of the waste. If the points collected are maximized, residents will get a mystery box containing basic necessities.
The education provided to residents is in the form of videos and articles that will be made by BEM FPIK UB itself. The videos will contain tutorials on making ecobricks, tire tiques, and eco-gardens from inorganic waste, while the articles contain information about innovative and more effective waste processing methods in reducing the volume of waste in Bedali Village. [UB PR/ Trans. Iir]