APPATE 62 Wins 1st Place of Shell Eco-Marathon

Team 2 Appate Elang Perkasa won 1st place in the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Prototype category at the Shell Eco-Marathon 2022 which was held on (11/10-15/10/2022) at Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

In the competition, the Anagata FCV, which is a vehicle contested by the Appate Elang Perkasa Team 2, is included in the ‘Prototype’ vehicle category that uses energy from Hydrogen Fuel cells. This prototype vehicle category prioritizes efficiency in terms of vehicle shape and energy use.

“It shapes small. It is under one meter high, uses three wheels, and uses electrical energy from a hydrogen fuel cell. The electricity is generated directly from the reaction of hydrogen with oxygen. With the consumption of hydrogen gas reaching 361 km per cubic meter, “said the team manager, Heaven Josiah Harvan.

The process of making a vehicle prototype takes one year and encounters various obstacles, one of which is related to the temperature in Malang City.

“We have to find a location that is similar to the Mandalika circuit. Vehicles using a hydrogen fuel cell often can not turn on when it gets hot. We have tried the circuit at Bung Tomo Surabaya circuit to get actual data and adjustments that must be made to our vehicles,” he said.

Heaven added that with the success achieved by the Appate team at this time, it is hoped that it will continue to maintain its achievements in the future.

“In the future, we hope that the current research results can be combined with the latest science and of course adapted to the existing circuit,” he said.

Advisory Lecturer Waru Djuriatno team, ST., MT. said at Shell Ecomaraton this time UB sent two teams. Team 1 Appate Elang Perkasa for the electric battery urban concept category and Team 2 Appate Elang Perkasa for the hydrogen fuel cell prototype.

“Team 1 Appate Elang Perkasa, which is guided by Dr. Eng. Ir. Denny Widhiyanuriyawan, S.T., M.T for the electric battery urban concept category won the 2nd place. Meanwhile, Team 2 Appate Elang Perkasa won first place at the Shell Ecomaraton in Mandalika. Hopefully this achievement can be maintained in the future,” he said.

Apatte Elang Perkasa Team 1 with the name Vehicle Marsela EV consisting of Fahri Fauzan (Team Manager); M. Rizky Akbar (Driver); Fachtur Rozi Al. Fitrah; Irfan Nadhif M

Adhi Setya Triatmaja; M. Faiz Luthfianto; Rachma Gusti Nararita; Fadhil Trisetyatmaja; and M. Anwarul ‘Ibad

Apatte Elang Perkasa Team 2 with the vehicle name Anagata FCV consisting of Heaven Josiah Harvan (Team Manager); Natalia Fitri Clerin S (Driver); Ilham Ridwan; Ilham Rusdandi; Faturrahman; M. Agra Maulana

Iqbal Ashari; M. Fajar Nurrohman; and M. Rizky Ariyanto. (OKY/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir).