The team of Apatte62 Brawijaya, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Brawijaya (FT UB) is again succeeded by winning the 2021 Energy Saving Car Contest (KMHE).
Apatte 62 won the 1st place in the Urban Ethanol Internal Combustion Engine Class
The announcement of the winners was carried out directly at GRAHA UNESA building and live via the host’s YouTube Channel, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, on Friday, November 19.
The teams that were deployed in this prestigious contest were Apatte Elang perkasa (Urban ethanol) with the chairman Adji Wicaksono (Mechanical Engineering 2018), Riski Akbar (Mechanical Engineering 2019), Irfan Nadhif Musthofa (Mechanical Engineering 2018), Zaidan Algifari (Mechanical Engineering 2018), Rozi (Electrical Engineering 2018).
Irfan Nadhif as the team representative said that for the implementation of KMHE 2021 which took the theme “One guts to save energy” was carried out directly at Gelora Bung Tomo circuit in Surabaya with the host is State University of Surabaya, which was followed by finalists who had previously gone through the selection stages. .
KMHE 2021 is divided into 8 classes, in the prototype class there are MPD Gasoline, MPD ethanol electric and diesel and in the urban class there are MPD Gasoline, MPD electric ethanol and diesel. The prototype category is a future vehicle with a special design that maximizes efficiency. While urban concept is a four-wheeled vehicle that looks like a car and is suitable for driving on the streets.
This year’s KMHE is slightly different from previous years. This year, an online selection stage was carried out, the first was the Vehicle Design Report selection and the second was a vehicle inspection video. “Those who qualify as finalists will compete directly at Gelora Bung Tomo Surabaya circuit. For the car that we are competing in urban ethanol category, it is called Marsela ethanol with the result of achieving fuel consumption is 166.40 km/liter,” said Irfan.
From this achievement, Apatte62 Brawijaya team does not want to be complacent. “For the closest competition after this is Shell Eco Marathon Asia, the target is we can qualify for the finals and we hope to be the champion in the international competition so that we can bring UB’s name to the international level,” said Irfan. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]