Face-to-face Learning (PTM) schools are reported to have led to clusters of the spread of Covid-19 in various regions. This condition really needs to be watched out as the emergence of a new variant of Omicron which is claimed to be more contagious. According to two researchers from the Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, schools need to prepare audio-visual media as an anticipation effort.
Fariza Yuniar Rakhmawati, S.I.Kom and Abdul Wahid, S.I. Kom, M.A provided a solution in the form of health protocol media within the scope of school through audio-visual as an effort to anticipate the emergence of school clusters. In collaboration with Andalusia Kids, this can be watched through the Andalusia_kids Instagram account.
“By using 2-dimensional animation technology and accompanied by easy-to-understand visualizations and explanations, making the video guide within the framework of community service program based on IDAI’s appeal can increase understanding about anticipating the spread of COVID-19 cases in school environment,” said Fariza.
Both of them are community service team from FISIP UB. She also added that the number of positive cases of Covid-19 in schools that held open PTM made parents, students, and schools more concerned about implementing health protocols.
According to Fariza, several things that need to be prepared to go to limited PTM in order to minimize the spread of covid-19 in the school environment, including always being disciplined in maintaining health protocols, ensuring children and family members are healthy before giving PTM permission, ensuring children recognize and report if people around experiencing symptoms of Covid-19. “Parents must also ensure that their child is not sick, if they show symptoms of COVID-19, immediately conduct self-isolation. In addition, always check the supply of masks, hand sanitizers, bottled drinking water, and food supplies, make sure that children do not exchange personal items with each other,” she said.
It doesn’t end there, according to Fariza, parents must also ensure that school vehicles are safe from the spread of COVID-19, and understand the PTM design and school mitigation if someone is infected. “Also make sure that teachers and school residents have received all vaccinations, classroom ventilation and health facilities such as hand washing facilities, medicine, and others are also available at schools. Teachers also have to ensure a safe distance between students during learning, and teachers also have an important role in improving students’ health protocol progress,” explained the veiled woman.
Although limited PTM has been implemented in several regions, the Distance Learning (PJJ) option is the best option that can be done considering learning from other countries experiencing the third wave of Covid-19. “Here, a strong synergy is needed between parents and the school so that students can comfortably study at home,” said Wahid.
Here are some tips that can be done so that PJJ does not stress students, of course the synergy between parents and schools is needed.
According to Wahid, the role of parents is very necessary to maintain the mental health of students during PJJ at home. “Parents need to schedule routine activities so that children feel more comfortable in learning while reducing children’s anxiety. Accompany children and maintain a rhythm of learning, playing and resting time to keep the spirit of learning, “he explained.
When it gets overwhelmed, he advises parents to consult with schools for solutions regarding their child’s education. “Establish positive communication with children, invite them to play together, hear opinions and accept children’s emotions while still giving reminders to carry out health protocols, provide space to stay connected with school friends, either to study or just say hello,” he added.
Not only with children and schools, Wahid also suggested to establish good communication with fellow parents is also important to maintain positive relationships between families.
“This guide can be carried out until the implementation of an unlimited PTM and seeing the condition of the Covid-19 virus which has really subsided. So that when the child returns to direct learning at school, the child’s enthusiasm does not decrease and is in a healthy condition free from COVID-19. “Of course we all hope that Indonesian children are safe from Covid-19 and learn with pleasure,” concluded Fariza. (fariza/VQ/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)