Universitas Brawijaya (UB) will carry out the Student Build Village Program (MMD) for 1000 Villages in Malang Regency next June. To support this program, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) prepared psychology first aid as an anticipation of sexual violence and bullying during MMD.
Adika Irgy Fashan, Expert Staff of the FISIP Sexual Violence and Bullying Integrated Services Unit (ULTKSP) said that anticipating sexual violence and bullying when MMD has a very high urgency because it will interact with external parties.
“Moreover, the potential for students to be involved in an environment that has a thick patriarchal culture is also a challenge in itself. So, for example, when asked about the urgency, it is very important, because we never know what kind of culture the community where students serve is like, so it must be anticipated properly,” said Irgy (6/6).
To anticipate this, Irgy said psychology first aid is a provision for affective action, so that if sexual harassment or bullying occurs, MMD group members can deal with group members who are experiencing mental disorders. In addition, the second thing that needs to be prepared is the operational aspect of the campus.
“When the campus itself did not prepare policies and operational standards for dealing with sexual violence during MMD, what was feared was trauma for friends who incidentally were the first generation of MMD. And if there is no proper handling, well, concretely, there is a fear of a snowball effect,” he said.
He also said that the parties involved in handling this case were the MMD group leaders and supervisors to be communicative and interactive with their groups. In addition, the Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS) provides a platform or operational standard that is precise and concrete to handle cases that occur when MMD.
“The handling mechanism is from friends in the MMD group to create a crisis center which is mutually agreed upon. This crisis center was created or formed as a liaison between groups in the service village and the PPKS Task Force. So if there is an incident, the door for communication is clear, both from service friends in the village and with the task force, so the direction is clear,” he explained. (Uli/Humas FISIP/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)