Teaching SHE, K3L Division Trains Students in Emergency Response

Emergency and Fire Training by UB K3L Division

Environmental health and safety are not just issues in the world of work. An understanding of the importance of work environment safety and security needs to be provided early on, one of which is to students. As was done by the Health, Security and Environmental Safety Division of Universitas Brawijaya, on Saturday (2/11). Taking place at the Pertamina Sport Center, the K3L Division held emergency and fire training for Universitas Brawijaya students.

According to Prof. Dr. Ir. Qomariyatus Sholihah, Amd.Hyp, ST., M.Kes., IPU., ASEAN Eng as the Head of Division, this activity is to train students to be responsive in the event of a fire or emergency. “The hope is that students can be trained in the environment at Universitas Brawijaya,” she said. This training is expected to provide knowledge for students on how to deal with fires or emergencies through P3K. “How to provide first aid if a friend is sick, to the procedure for calling ambulance and so on,” he explained.

Aurick Yudha Nagara, SpEM

In addition to the introduction to K3L, this training also invites participants to practice providing basic life support by dr. Aurick Yudha Nagara, Sp.EM from Universitas Brawijaya Hospital and the Lakesma FK and ERT FIKES UB teams as well as building security and fire anticipation to snake evacuation by the Malang City Fire Department team.

The benefits of this activity, according to Aurick, are to increase human resources who can utilize the existing fire anticipation system. “We have tall buildings, automatically the buildings must be safe, especially from fire. APAR is already in every building, automatically the must be increased is who uses it,” he said.

Meanwhile, basic life support, he added, is to minimize the risk of cardiac arrest in UB environment. “Don’t think it’s normal if an adult suddenly faints, it must be suspected of cardiac arrest until it is declared not. Because every 1 minute late in doing CPR, there is a 10 percent closer to the risk of death. So, with UB Medical First Responder community, it is intended to minimize this risk from happening,” added UB Medical Faculty lecturer.

From this training, the Secretary of Universitas Brawijaya, Dr. Tri Wahyu Nugroho, S.P. M.Si when opening the event hoped that UB academic community could have a shared responsibility for UB ecosystem. “We must look after each other, understand each other and know what to do if something unexpected happens, for example a disaster or someone faints,” he concluded. (VQ/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)

Hands on Basic Life SupportHands on Basic Life Support
APAR Usage Practices


  From Berita UB