The Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM UB) opens new student registrations for Transfer Program Selection (SAP) from D3 to S1 levels in Odd Semester, Academic Year 2022/2023. The process of implementing the exam through the CBT (Computer Based Test) exam is held on Monday (1/8/2022).
The exam this time was carried out directly or offline in the Laboratory of G Building FILKOM UB using four classes filled by supervisors and technicians in each class. A total of 72 vocational or D3 graduate students are registered to take this exam. Also, the Dean of FILKOM UB, Prof. Ir. Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy, S.Si., MT., Ph.D. was present to monitor the process of implementing the admission test for new prospective students through the Transfer Program Selection (SAP) this year.
“This year, a total of 72 students registered to take the exam. Actually, the total number of students is 76 students but four people have been declared fall since they have not completed the administrative process,” said Denny Sagita Rusdianto, S.Kom., M.Kom. as the Head of Student Admissions for SAP FILKOM UB.
The CBT exam test is held in one day in two sessions, namely a morning session for psychological tests and academic abilities and an afternoon session for basic ability tests. In addition, this year there are also 3 students with disabilities who take part in the exam process, accompanied by a companion from PSLD UB at the beginning of the briefing, and independently work on the exam until the end, assisted by supervisors and technicians in the exam room.
Denny continued that most of the 72 participants enrolled in Information Systems, Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering and Information Technology study programs. Meanwhile, for this year’s acceptance criteria, Denny explained, it is not only seen from the test scores, but there are separate filters and assessments from the Dean and Vice Dean for Academic Affairs which can be seen from student profiles such as thesis history, how long previous studies were, proficiency in English. It is hoped that the filter process using test scores and previous educational history will get prospective students who are competent and able to complete the specified studies. [drn/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]