7 Faculties and 1 Vocational Program Joins in On MIPA 2018 Selection

223 UB students join in ON MIPA at university levelAround 223 Brawijaya University students on Saturday (03/Mar/2018) joined in Olimpiade Nasional Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (ON MIPA/National Olympiads on Mathematics and Natural Science) 2018. The event was conducted in MIPA CENTER building.

Explained by Darjito, S.Si., M.Si, the event head of committee, the activity aims to have selection for the top seven who will represent Brawijaya University at regional level ON MIPA which will be conducted on 21-22 March 2018. In regional level, they will be selected into 64 students who are going to compete in national level.

“Later at the national level will be taken the top 20 of which there will be 3 gold medals for each area which means there are 12 gold medals, 5 silver medals, and 7 bronze medals and the remains are 5 honorable mention,” Darjito explained.

On the occasion, Darjito also reported that the selection participants in the event is around 223 students. In biology there are 89 students with the highest level of tightness namely around 1:13, and then Physics area is around 39 students, of which in this area has the lowest level of tightness around 1:6. Meanwhile for chemistry and mathematics each of its participant numbers is 48 and 46 respectively with tightness level around 1:7.

“Well for the distribution of participants, the current Olympiad was followed by 7 faculties and a vocational program of which Faculty of Science contribute the largest number of participants but it deserves to be appreciated that participants from other faculties especially Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, its students joined the current ON MIPA,” Darjito explained.

Meanwhile, Head of Academic and Partnership Bureau Drs. Slamet Kusnady, M.Si in his remarks mentioned that ON MIPA is Dirjen Dikti’s agenda which is already underway for 10 years. He regretted that during the time UB’s achievement is not exciting yet, of which the result is still ups and downs.

“Students’ achievement is a college’s spearhead. Therefore a system achievement such PIMNAS also implemented in the current ON MIPA, so as Brawijaya University achievement at ON MIPA in the future can be better and ready as PIMNAS achievements,” he expected. [ronny/Humas UB/trans. Denok]